Tai-An Lin & Lu, Long-Chuan (2014), “Elucidating the relationship between moral philosophy and consumer ethical beliefs: A case study of Argentine consumers,” Advance in Management. (Accepted for publication)
Lu, Long-Chuan, Hsiu-Hua Chang, and Alan Chang (2014), “Consumer Personality and Green Buying Intention: The Mediate Role of Consumer Ethical Beliefs,” Journal of Business Ethics. (SSCI) (Accepted for publication)
Lu, Long-Chuan, Ya-Wen Huang and Hsiu-Hua Chang (2014), “Confucian Dynamism, the Role of Money and Consumer Ethical Beliefs: An Exploratory Study in Taiwan”, Ethics & Behavior, 24 (1), 34-52. (SSCI) (In press)
Lu, Long-Chuan, Pin-Lan Chen & Tsai Feng Liu (2013), “Empirical Factors of Cross-Cultural Students’ Aberrant Behavior in E-Consumer Ethics,” Asia Pacific Management Review, 18(4), 427-441. (TSSCI)
Lu, Long-Chuan (2013), “The Effects of Consumer Ethics and Anticipated Guilt on Ethical Intention”, Journal of Environment and Management, 13(2), 37-52. (NSC100-2410-H-194-008)
Chang, Hung-Yu, Pei-Hsien Lee, Chen-Chou Lei, Chun-Wu Tung, Yung-Chien Hsu, Tung-Jung Huang, Long-Chuan Lu, Chun-Liang Lin (2013), “Hyperuricemia Is an Independent Risk Factor for New Onset Micro-Albuminuria in a Middle-Aged and Elderly Population: A Prospective Cohort Study in Taiwan,” Plos One, 8(4), e61450. (SCI,Impact factor=3.730貢獻同通訊作者)
Lu, Long-Chuan, Hsiu-Hua Chang & Shih-Ting Yu (2013), “Online Shoppers’ Perceptions of E-Retailers’ Ethics, Cultural Orientation, and Loyalty: An Exploratory Study in Taiwan,” Internet Research, 23(1), 47-68. (SSCI)
Huang, Chun-Chen, Long-Chuan Lu, Ching-Sing You, & Szu-Wei Yen, (2012), “The Impacts of Ethical Ideology, Materialism, and Selected Demographics on Consumer Ethics: An Empirical Study in China,” Ethics & Behavior, 22(4), 315-331. (SSCI)
Wei-Lung Chang, Long-Chuan Lu, Hung-Jen Su, Tai An Lin, and Kuang-Yu Chang (2011), “Mediating Effect of Role Stressors Between Market Orientation and Organizational Commitment,” Social Behavior and Personality. (SSCI)
.Chang, W.L., Lu, L.C., Su, H.J., Lin, T.A., & Chang, K.Y. (2011), “Mediating Effect of Buying Motives between Physical Vanity and Online Compulsive Buying,” African Journal of Business Management, 5(8), 3289-3296.
Chang, W.L., Lu, L.C., Su, H.J., Lin, T.A., & Chang, K.Y. (2011), “The Relationship among Consumer Vanity Trait, Materialism and Fashion Anxiety,” African Journal of Business Management, 5(9), 3466-3471.
Hung-Jen Su, Long-Chuan Lu, & Tai An Lin (2011), “The Mediating Role of Anticipated Guilt in Consumers’ Textbook Piracy Intention”, The Asia Pacific Management Review. (TSSCI)
.Lu, Long-Chuan & Chia-Ju Lu (2010), “Moral Philosophy, Materialism, and Consumer Ethics: An Exploratory Study in Indonesia,” Journal of Business Ethics, 94(2), 193-210. (SSCI)
Yu, Tai-Kuei, Long-Chuan Lu, & Tsai-Feng Liu (2010), “Exploring Factors That Influence Knowledge Sharing Behavior via Weblogs,” Computers in Human Behavior, 26(1),32-41. (SSCI)
Chang, Hung-Yu, Chun-Wu Tung, Pei-Hsien Lee, Chen-Chou Lei, Hsun-Hao Chang, Hsueh-Fang Yang, Long-Chuan Lu, Ming-Chung Jong, Chiu-Yueh Chen, Kuei-Ying Fang, Yu-Shiu Chao, Ya-Hsueh Shih, & Chun-Liang Lin (2010), “Hyperuricemia as an Independent Risk Factor of Chronic Kidney Disease in Middle-Aged and Elderly Population,” The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 339(6), 509-515. (SCI,impact factor 1.36)
Chang, Wei-Lung, Long-Chuan Lu, Hung-Jen Su, Tai-An Lin and Kuang-Yu Chang (2010), “The Influence of Consumer Self-Concept, Vanity Trait on Materialism among Taiwanese College Female Students,” International Journal of Business and Strategy, 11(1), 67-91.
Chang, Wei-Lung, Long-Chuan Lu, Hung-Jen Su, Tai-An Lin and Kuang-Yu Chang (2010), “Money Attitude, Materialism and Compulsive Buying Intentions,” Journal of Global Small and Medium Enterprise, July.
Pei-Hsien Lee, Yung-Chien Hsu, Chun-Wu Tung, Hsun-Hao Chang, Ming-Chung Jong, Chiu-Yueh Chen, Kuei-Ying Fang, Yu-Shiu Chao, Ya-Hsueh Shih, & Chun-Liang Lin (2009), “Regional Variations in the Middle-Aged and Elderly Population With Late-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease: A Community-Based Population Survey in Chiayi County, Taiwan,” Acta Nephrological, 23(2), 103-109.
Blodgett, F. G., Long-Chuan Lu, G. M. Rose, and Scott J. Vitell (2001), ” Ethical Sensitivity to Stakeholder Interests: A Cross-Cultural Comparison,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29(2), 190-202. (SSCI)
Long-Chuan Lu (2001), “Industrial Product Deletion Decision: An Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Marketing,” Journal of Environment and Management, 2(Dec), 51-72.
Lu, Long-Chuan, Gregory M. Rose, and Jeffrey G. Blodgett (1999), “The Effects of Cultural Dimensions on Ethical Decision Making in Marketing: An Exploratory Study,” Journal of Business Ethics, 18, 91-105. (SSCI)
Aiken, Milam, Daeryong Kim, Chi Hwang, and Long-Chuan Lu (1995), "A Korean Group Decision Support System," Information and Management, 28(5), 303-310. (SSCI).
Long-Chuan Lu, Hsiu-Hua Chang & Shih-Ting Yu (2011), “The Role of Individualism and Collectivism in Consumer Perceptions toward e-Retailers’ Ethics,” The Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, November 26~27, Shenzhen, China.
Long-Chuan Lu, Ya-Wen Huang & Hsiu-Hua Chang (2011), “Consumer Ethical Beliefs in Taiwan: The Role of Confucian Dynamism,” The Proceedings of the International Conference on Organizational Innovation, July 27~28, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Long-Chuan Lu, Hsiu-Hua Chang & Shih-Ting Yu (2011), “Consumer ’s Perceptions Gregarding the Ethics of Online Retailers: The Role of Cultural Orientation and Consumer Loyalty," 第六屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會論文集,五月。
Lu, Long-Chuan, Zi-Hwaw Chang & Hsiu-Hua Chang (2011), “Consumer Ethics: the Roles of Individualism, Attitude toward Business and Loyalty Proneness in Green Product Buying Intention,” The Proceedings of 2011 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making, 21 May, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lu, Long-Chuan, Hsiu-Hua Chang & Ya-Wen Huang (2010), “The Effects of the Personal and Cultural Characteristics on Consumer Ethics,” New Paradigms of Management - The 9th Annual Academic Conference, 5 November, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lu, Long-Chuan & Tai An Lin (2010), "Developing a Marketing Measure for Energy Saving Solutions," The Proceedings of BAI 2010 International Conference on Business and Information, 5-7 July, Kitakyushu, Japan.
Lu, Long-Chuan, Hung-Jen Su, & Tai An Lin (2009), “The Study of the Relationship between Moral Philosophy and Consumer Ethical Beliefs: A Case Study of Argentinean Consumers,” The Proceedings of 2009 Hawaii International Conference on Social Science, June 4-7, Hawaii, USA.
Su, Hung-Jen, Long-Chua.n Lu, & Tai An Lin (2009), “Factors Influencing Ethically Questionable Behavior: A Case of Textbook Pirating by Taiwanese College Students,” The Proceedings of 2009 Hawaii International Conference on Social Science, June 4-7, Hawaii, USA.
Ta-Hsiang Hung, Yung-Ching Ho, Long-Chuan Lu (2008), “Preliminary Research Model of Market-Driven Product Strategy for Taiwan Top Global Brands,” The Proceedings of 2008 International Joint Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and e-Education (e-CASE), March 27-29, Bangkok, Thailand.
Lu, Long-Chuan & Chia-Ju Lu (2007), “The Exploration of Consumers’ Ethical Judgments in Indonesia,” The Proceedings of 2007 Academy of Marketing Conference, July 3-6, Surrey, UK.