1. 行銷管理 2. 策略管理 3. 創新管理
1. 行銷管理專題研討
2. 行銷理論專題研討
3. 策略行銷專題研討
4. 產品研發與管理
2. 行銷理論專題研討
3. 策略行銷專題研討
4. 產品研發與管理
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國立政治大學 企管博士 |
美國威斯康辛大學 博士後研究 |
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本系創所所長 現為本校榮譽教授(2014~) |
國立中正大學副校長、中正大學企管所創所所長及系主任(第一任/第二任)、中正大學學務長、工研院工業經濟研究中心主任 |
榮譽: 1. 83 年教育部教學特優教師 2. 85 年李國鼎管理獎章 (中華民國管理科學學會) 3. 95 年中正大學教師兼行政工作績優者 (兼任學務長) |
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1999 《行銷學(與楊必立、陳定國、黃俊英、劉水深合著)》,華泰 書局。 |
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48. Yung-Ching Ho, Hui-Chen Fang, and Jing-Fu Lin, 2010, "Technological and Design Capabilities: Is Ambidexterity Possible?” Management Decision (Article in press, Vol.49, Issue No.2, SSCI). |
47. Yung-Ching Ho, Hui-Chen Fang, and Yu Chao, 2009, “A Study on Knowledge Integration Mechanism Promoting The Relationship of New Product Development Models and Performance”, Journal of Technology Management, Vol.14, Issue No.1, pp. 75-98. |
46. Yung-Ching Ho, Ching-Tzy Tsai, 2009, “The Influence of Context Cues in Internet Shopping-The Mediating Effects of Perceived Risk Model”, Journal of Customer Satisfaction, Vol.5, Issue No.1, pp. 121-148. |
45. Yung-Ching Ho, Yu Chao, and Hui-Chen Fang, 2008, “The Impact of Fast Adaptation Strategy and Knowledge Integration from New Product Successes and Failures on New Product Development Performance: An Empirical Study of ICT Industry in Taiwan”, The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol.9, Issue No.2, pp.259-266.(ABI) |
44. Yung-Ching Ho, Hung-Jen Su, Wen-Yi Lai, and Tai An Lin, 2008, “The Study Of Consumer Switching Behavior”, Journal of Far East University, Vol.25, Issue No.1, pp. 179-190. |
43. Yung-Ching Ho, Ye-Chuen Li, 2008, “New Product Development Strategy of IC Design House in Taiwan”, Ming Hsin Journal, Vol.34, Issue No.1, pp. 195-212. |
42. Yung-Ching Ho, Yi-Chun Yang, and Cheng-Te Chou, 2007, “The Application of Competing Values Approach on the Relationship among the Organizational Culture, Supervisor Influential Power and New Product Development Performance”, Web Journal of Chinese Management Review, Vol.10, Issue No.3, pp. 1-30. |
41. Yung-Ching Ho, Huei-Chen Fang, 2007, “The Order of New Product into Market for Life Insurance Industry in Taiwan: The RBV and Institutional Perspectives”, Journal of Business Administration, Vol.73, pp. 95-123. |
40. Yung-Ching Ho, Ching-Tzy Tsai, and Chun-Chi Chuang, 2007, “The Influence of Virtual Situation Stimulate to Experiences Value with Emotion Element”, Journal of Business Administration, Vol.72, pp. 43-76. |
39. Yung-Ching Ho, Cheng-Ling Tai, 2007, “Dynamic Management System”, Policy & Strategy Review, Vol.1, Issue No.2, pp.85-101. |
38. Yung-Ching Ho, Wan-Kuei Wu, 2007, “The Structure of Marketing Channel Relationships-An Integration of Western and Chinese Perspectives”, Chiao Da Management Review, Vol.27, Issue No.1, pp 87-113.(TSSCI) |
37. Jen-Jen Tseng, Yung-Ching Ho, 2007, “The Impact of Industry- and Firm-level Factors on the M&A Activity-An Empirical Study of the Financial Consolidation in Taiwan”, Management Review, Vol.26, Issue No.1, pp.97-118.(TSSCI) |
36. Yung-Ching Ho, Mei-Jue Lin, 2007, “The Study on Causality Relationship of Customer Perceived Value of Internet Purchasing in E-Commerce – A case Study of College Students in Taiwan”, Journal of Customer Satisfaction, Vol.3, Issue No.1, pp.61-96. |
35. Chia-Yu Tu, Kong-Fah Chen, and Yung-Ching Ho, 2006, “Applying Data Mining Technique on Biotechnology New Product: The Case of Healthy Cooking Oil”, Journal of Technology Management, Vol.11, Issue No.4, pp.63-96. |
34. Hsin-Pin Fu, Yung-Ching Ho, Roger C.Y. Chen, Tien-Hsiang Chang, and Pei-Hsiang Chien, 2006, “Factors affecting the adoption of electronic marketplaces: A fuzzy AHP analysis”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol.26, Issue No.12, pp.1302-1324.(SCI&SSCI) |
33. Yung-Ching Ho, Ye-Chuen Li, and Zih-Sin Su, 2006, “A Discussion of Refractive Medical Behavior from an Experiential Marketing Viewpoint”, Journal of Hospital Marketing and Public Relations, Vol.16, Issue No.2, pp.45-68. |
32. Yung-Ching Ho, Tsui-Hus Tsai(Tracy), 2006, “The Impact of Dynamic Capabilities with Market Orientation and Resource-Based Approaches on NPD Project Performance”, The Journal of American Academy of Business Cambridge, Vol.8, Issue No.1, pp.109-141.(ABI) |
31. Yung-Ching Ho, Wan-Kuei Wu, and Shih-Shue Sher, 2006, “Marketing Research Activities in Taiwan’s Companies”, Fu Jen Management Review, Vol.13, Issue No.1, pp. 57-84. |
30. Yung-Ching Ho, Mei-Jue Lin, 2006, “The Study of Linkages between Brand Identities and Brand Images with Property Industry as An Example”, Tunghai Management Review, Vol.8, Issue No.1, pp. 231-266. |
29. Yung-Ching Ho, Tzu-Hsin Su, “An Exploratory Study for Measurement Scales on Medical care Experience”, Journal of Customer Satisfactions, Vol.2, Issue No.1, pp. 55-76. |
28. Yung-Ching Ho, Tzu-Hsin Su, Ye-Chuen Li, and Chia-Ju Lu, 2006, “Discuss the Perceived Value of Franchisees to Franchisors”, Diwan Journal of Management, Vol.1, Issue No.1, pp. 23-35. |
27. Yung-Ching Ho, Mei-Jue Lin, 2006, “The Study of Relationship between Perceived Control, Organizational Socialization, Life Style and Customer Participation”, Service Industry Management Review, Vol.2, Issue No.1, pp. 179-214. |
26. Yung-Ching Ho, Tzu-Hsin Su, and Yong-Fu Chang, 2006, “An Examination of the Effects of Patients’ Received Medical Messages on the Experiential Module – A Case Study of Local Hospitals”, Journal of Healthcare Management, Vol.7, Issue No.1 pp. 1-16. |
25. Tzu-Hsin Su, Yung-Ching Ho, 2006, “The Attitude Effects for Medical Care Experience”, Taiwan Journal of Marketing Science, Vol.2, Issue No.1, pp. 23-45. |
24. Yung-Ching Ho, Ming-Che Liu, Ye-Chuen Li, 2006, “The Influence of Consumer Life Styles, Degree of Consumer Purchase Involvement and Advertising Appeals in the Advertising Effect. For Example: the Cell Phone”, Journal of Far East University, Vol.23, Issue No.1, pp. 61-77. |
23. Yung-Ching Ho, Hsin-Pin Fu, and Pei-Hsiang Chien, 2005, “Analysis of Factors Affecting Adoption of the E-Marketplace in Taiwan”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.22, Issue No.5, pp. 419-429.(EI & TSSCI) |
22. Yung-Ching Ho,Tzu-Hsin Su, 2005,”The Relationships between Experiential Strategy Module and Consumer’s Attitudes – The Case of Regional Hospitals in Southern Taiwan”, Operation Management Review Special Issue, pp. 43-57. |
21. Yung-Ching Ho, Tzu-Hsin Su, and Yong-Fu Chang, 2005, “A Means-End Chain Approach to Analyze Patients’ Health Experiential Value”, Hospital, Vol.38, Issue No.5, pp. 60-72. |
20. Tien-You Wang, Yung-Ching Ho, 2005, “Comparison Among Forecasting Approached in Tourism Industry”, Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, Vol.29, Issue No.3, pp. 106-110.(EI) |
19. Jen-Jen Tseng, Yung-Ching Ho, 2005, “Exploring the Influence of M&A Decision and Performance Based on the Resource-based View and Dynamic Capability Perspective: An Empirical Study of the Financial Consolidation in Taiwan”, Management Review, Vol.24, Issue No.3, pp. 95-116.(TSSCI) |
18. Jen-Jen Tseng, Tzu-Chuan Kao, and Yung-Ching Ho, 2005, “Exploring the Influence of Marketing System and Human Capital on Operating Efficiency of the Life Insurance Industry Based on the Balanced Scorecard Perspective”, Chiao Da Management Review, Vol.25, Issue No.1, pp. 179-204.(TSSCI) |
17. Wen-Yi Lai, Yung-Ching Ho, 2005, “The Study of Customer Equity with Switching Costs: A Model Construct”, Web Journal of Chinese Management Review, Vol.8, Issue No.2, pp. 1-22. |
16. Yung-Ching Ho, Wei-Lung Chang, and Tai-An Lin, 2005, “The Effect of Price, Warranty and Store Image on Perceived Value and Purchasing Intention”, Innovation and Management, Vol.2, Issue No.1, pp. 39-66. |
15. Yung-Ching Ho, Chi-keung Fok, and Chia-Ju Lu, 2005, “The Impact of Virtual Marketing Channel on Customer Value Judgment: An Empirical Study of TV Shopping Channel”, Web Journal of Chinese Management Review, Vol.8, Issue No.4, pp. 1-17. |
14. Yung-Ching Ho, Hsin-Pin Fu, Chun-Fa Niu, and Pei-Hsiang Chien, 2004, “Customer Knowledge Management – A Case Study of Taiwan’s Plastic Industry”, The Asian Journal on Quality, Vol.5, Issue No.2, pp. 106-121. |
13. Yung-Ching Ho, Hsin-Pin Fu, and Pei-Hsiang Chien, 2004, “Service Quality: An Examination on Personality Traits of Securities Investment Trust Fund Investors”, Journal of Quality, Vol.11, Issue No.3, pp. 295-309. |
12. Yung-Ching Ho, Tzu-Hsin Su, and Yong-Fu Chang, 2004, “The Effects of Customers’ Experiences and Information Processing on The Buying Intentions of Extended Brands”, Marketing Review, Vol.1, Issue No.1, pp. 1-20. |
11. Rhay-Hung, Yung-Ching Ho, Pe-Song Chiu, and Ching-Yuan Huang, “Constructing the Theoretical Customer Loyalty in Healthcare Industry”, 2004, Journal of Healthcare Management, Vol.5, Issue No.4, pp. 418-437. |
10. Yung-Ching Ho, Wan-Kuie Wu, 2004, “Choosing a Hospital: An Empirical Study of Model on Brand Switching”, Journal of Industry Management, Vol.5, Issue No.2, pp. 431-445. |
9. Yung-Ching Ho, Meng-Shu Tsai, and Wen-Yi Lai, 2004, “The Value of Mobile Commerce to the Customer: Means-End Chain Model”, Web Journal of Chinese Management Review, Vol.7, Issue No.3, pp. 1-34. |
8. Tien-You Wang, Yung-Ching Ho, and Hsuan Lo, 2004, “A Probe into Artificial Neural Network Applications in Marketing”, Journal of Technology Management, Vol.9, Issue No.1, pp. 223-262. |
7. Jen-Jen Tseng, Yung-Ching Ho, 2004, “The Impact of the Human Capital Stock on the Productivity – An Example of the Marketing Department on the Life Insurance”, Commerce & Management Quarterly, Vol.5, Issue No.4, pp. 377-390. |
6. Yung-Ching Ho, Zone-Ye Tsai, 2003, “A Study of the Model Fitness for Flexible Diffusion Models”, National Taiwan University Management Review, Vol.14, Issue No.1, pp. 179-216.(TSSCI) |
5. Yung-Ching Ho, Jen-Jen Tseng, 2003, “Constructing the Marketing Outsourcing Successful Model Based on the Relationship Quality Perspective – An Empirical Study of the Insurance Industry in Taiwan”, Web Journal of Chinese Management Review, Vol.6, Issue No.6, pp. 50-62. |
4. Yung-Ching Ho, Wei-Shang Fan, and Cheng-Hsui Chen, 2003, “The Construct Development and Empirical Study of Customer Knowledge Management”, Web Journal of Chinese Management Review, Vol.6, Issue No.5, pp. 43-62. |
3. Yung-Ching Ho, Shu-Chin Huang, and Tsue-Hsu Tsai, 2003, “Effects of Customer Relational Motivations on Customer Loyalty – Commercial Friendship Mediating Model”, Tunghai Management Review, Vol.6, Issue No.1, pp. 137-174. |
2. Jen-Jen Tseng, Yung-Ching Ho, and Shu-Chin Huang, 2003, “Integral Analysis of Product Core Benefits, Perceived Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty – An Empirical Study of the Life Insurance Customers in Tachuan”, Fu Jen Management Review, Vol.10, Issue No.3, pp. 89-104. |
1. Yung-Ching Ho, Shu-Chin Huang, 2002, “Exploring Commercial Friendships Structure Based on the Exchange Theory and Dyad Perspective”, Web Journal of Chinese Management Review, Vol.5, Issue No.4, pp. 35-54. |
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23. 2004 《數位內容企業經營模式之研究》,資訊工業策進會。 22. 2002 《國際企業的通路整合與通路關係管理之研究》,國科會。 21. 2002 《棕梠湖優質社區消費者行為之研究》,河東堂國際公司。 20. 2001 《學習型企業成效衡量之研究》,教育部。 19. 2001 《鋼鐵產品貿易救濟預警系統》,經濟部。 18. 2000 《學習型企業成效指標之建構》,教育部。 17. 2000 《行銷策略規劃過程之研究II》,國科會。 16. 1999 《行銷策略規劃過程之研究》,國科會。 15. 1998 《鋼品國內供需及其競爭力之調查分析﹝條鋼類、特殊鋼類、平板類與鋼管類﹞》,經濟部。 14. 1997 《中小企業配合亞太營運中心運作之研究》,國科會。 13. 1997 《大陸國有企業改革之研究》,行政院大陸委員會。 12. 1997 《鋼品國內供需及其競爭力之調查分析 [ 特殊鋼類 ] 》,經濟部。 11. 1997 《我國企業國際化決策之特色與分類》,國科會。 10. 1996 《鋼品國內供需及其競爭力之調查分析 [ 條鋼類 ] 》,經濟部。 9. 1996 《研究發展部門集權化程度之研究》,國科會。 8. 1996 《我國企業國際行銷策略標準化之研究》,國科會。 7. 1995 《研究發展部門組織正式化程度之研究》,國科會。 6. 1995 《台商赴大陸投資及其指標系統之應用》,行政院大陸委員會。 5. 1994 《任務環境、組織結構與組織效能之關係》,國科會。 4. 1994 《我國電子資訊科技發展績效指標之研究》,國科會。 3. 1993 《企業規模與調適環境變遷行為關係之研究》,國科會。 2. 1993 《台商赴大陸投資及其影響指標系統之研究》,行政院大陸委員會。 1. 1992 《政府重大經建財務計劃可行性評估模式之研究》,財政部。 |
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26. Yung-Ching Ho, Cheng-Ling Tai, 2009, “A Study of the Relationship between New Product Development Team Creativity and Team Performances: The Role of Team Pressure”, The XX ISPIM Conference, Vienna, Austria. (ISBN) |
25. Yung-Ching Ho, Yu Chao, and Hui-Chen Fang, 2008, “The Impact of Fast Adaptation Strategy and Knowledge Integration from New Product Successes and Failures on New Product Development Performance: An Empirical Study of ICT Industry in Taiwan”, The International Business & Management Research Conference, Hawaii, USA (The Best Presenter Award). |
24. Yung-Ching Ho, Hung-Jen Su, and Wen-Yi Lai, 2008, “Critical Switching Incients : A Case of Restaurants and Travel Agencies”, The Fifth Trans-field Conference of Management Theory and Practice, Taichung. |
23. Yung-Ching Ho, Shu-Chin Huang, 2008, “A Case Study for Idea Generation and Idea Quality Improvement: Digital Content Industry”, 2008 The 9th Academy of Management Conference, Nantou. |
22. Yung-Ching Ho, Yii-Ching Lee, 2007, “A Research on Consumer’s Decision-making Model of Innovative Adoption –from the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Theory of Innovation Diffusion Perspectives”, CSMOT Chinese Society for Management of Technology 2007 Annual Conference, Taichung. |
21. Yung-Ching Ho, Ching-Tzy Tsai, 2007, “The Study of Value Innovation on New Product Performance and New Service Performance: The Moderating Effect of NPD and NSD”, CSMOT Chinese Society for Management of Technology 2007 Annual Conference, Taichung. |
20. Yung-Ching Ho, Shu-Ju Liao, 2007, “A Study on the Antecedents and Consequences of Partnership: A Research Based on Examples of Co-operation Between University-operated Incubation Centers and Their Participating Enterprises”, CSMOT Chinese Society for Management of Technology 2007 Annual Conference, Taichung. |
19. Yung-Ching Ho, Hung-Jen Su, Wen-Yi Lai, and Tai-An Lin, 2007, “Critical switching incidents : A case of travel agencies”, Conference of Management Practice and Theory, Chiayi. |
18. Yung-Ching Ho, Ching-Tzy Tsai, and Chun-Chi Chuang, 2007, “The Influence of Virtual Situation Stimulate to Experiences Value with Emotion Element”, The International Conference of Market Development and Investment Strategy, Taipei. |
17. Yung-Ching Ho, Chun-Chi Chuang, 2007, “An Assessment of the Consumer Ethnocentric Scale on Foreign Spouses in Taiwan”, The International Conference of Market Development and Investment Strategy, Taipei. |
16. Yung-Ching Ho, Huei-Chen Fang, 2007, “Product Strategic Choices and Firm Performance in Life Insurance Industry during the Institutional transition”, The International Conference of Market Development and Investment Strategy, Taipei. |
15. Yung-Ching Ho, Yu Chao, and Cheng-Ling Tai, 2006, “Value Innovation for New Product Development”, The R&D Management Conference 2006, U.K.. |
14. Yung-Ching Ho, Gin-Yuan Lee, and Yu Chao, 2006, “A Conceptual Framework of Organizational Integration and Product Launch Activities Proficiency on Market Success”, ICMIT 2006 Conference, Singapore. |
13. Yung-Ching Ho, Chun-Chun Lu, Yu Chao, and Cheng-Ling Tai, 2006, “An Empirical Study on Staff Cognition and Performance after Implementing the Occupation Safety and Health Appraisal”, 2006 Cross Trait Management Theory and Application Conference, Szechwan, China, |
12. Ta-Hsiang Hunga, Yung-Ching Ho, 2006, “The Study of What and How Innovation Product Strategies Influence Creating New Market Space”, 2006 Taiwan Marketing Conference, Taipei, Knowledge Association of Taiwan. |
11. Ye-Chuen Li, Yung-Ching Ho, 2006, “Discuss The Impact of Marketing Mix of the Gold Industry on Consumer Behavior with Means and Chain”, 21 Century Conference on Management Theory and Practice, Dayeh University, Changhua. |
10. Yung-Ching Ho, Mei-Jue Lin, and Cheng-Chih Liu, 2006, “The Factors of Small Communities’ Management Performance”, Property Management Forum, Property Managers Association of R.O.C.. |
9. Yung-Ching Ho, Ching-Tzy Tsai, and Ming-Chun Tsai, Chia-Ju Lu, 2006, “The Influence of Context Cues in Internet Shopping: A Perceived Model Approach”, 2006 Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Business and Management Technology, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan. |
8. Tzu-Hsin Su, Yung-Ching Ho, 2005, “An Exploratory Study for Measurement Scales on Medical Care Experience”, The 2nd Annual Academic Conference of Taiwan Associations of Marketing Science, Taipei. |
7. Yung-Ching Ho, Tzu-Hsin Su, 2005, “An Exploratory Study for Measurement Scales on Medical Consuming Experience”, 2005 International Management and Technology Academic Conference, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin. |
6. Yung-Ching Ho, Tzu-Hsin Su, and Yong-Fu Chang, 2005, “A Model Construction for Measurement Scales on The Customer Value of Digital Products”, The 3rd Contemporary Marketing Academic Conference. |
5. Yung-Ching Ho, Tzu-Hsin Su, 2005, “The Effects of Patients’ Received Medical Messages on the Experiential Module”, The 3rd Contemporary Marketing Academic Conference. |
4. Yung-Ching Ho, Chi-Keung Fok, Chia-Ju Lu, 2005, “The Impact of TV Shopping Channel on Customer Value Judgment: A Means-End Chain Model”, The 3rd Contemporary Marketing Academic Conference. |
3. Yung-Ching Ho, Yu Chao, 2005, “An Empirical Study of Consumer Purchasing Intention on Digital Camera in Hsinchu Area”, The 3rd Contemporary Marketing Academic Conference. |
2. Yung-Ching Ho, Yu Chao, 2005, “An Empirical Study on Customer Trust of Online Store in Taiwan”, The 3rd Contemporary Marketing Academic Conference. |
1. Yu Chao, Yung-Ching Ho, Gin-Yuan Lee, Mei-Chen Chen, and Po-Yen Huang, 2005, “The Relationship between Individual Attribute and Job Satisfaction in Taiwanese Communication Industry”, 2005 Chinese Economic Region Enterprise Competitive Ability and Business Management Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan. |