



研究室 421


1. 財務管理
2. 財務會計
3. 公司財務
4. 資產定價


1. 大數據程式設計與Python
2. 金融科技
3. 投資分析
4. ESG與責任企業投資
5. 財務管理
6. 衍生性金融商品
7. 財務計量經濟學
8. 財務工程
國立中正大學助理教授 (2021/02- 迄今)
1. Jinging Yang, & Hao-Chang Sung, "Accounting Fraud, Audit Fees, and Government Intervention in China", (2017). APBBEF-Volume 05, Chapter 06, page 101-120. Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance (ISBN-978-1-78743-410-3--Edited by Dr. Cheng-Few Lee, Dr. Min-Teh Yu).
1. Hao-Chang Sung*, (2024). "Multiperiod Managerial Contracts with Clawback Provisions". Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. Accepted for publication. [SCOPUS, 國科會 Finance & Accounting ATier-2 ] (*Single author).
2. Wen-Ju Liao, Cheng-Few Lee, & Hao-Chang Sung*, (2024). "Alternative Methods of Measuring Real Earnings Management in Discretionary Investments". Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies. [SCOPUS, 國科會 Finance B] (*Corresponding author).
3. Hao-Chang Sung*, & Shirley J. Ho, (2023). "Disclosure strategies for management earnings forecasts: The role of managerial compensation structures, overoptimism, and effort ". Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, 19(1), 100351. [SSCI, 國科會 Accounting A-] (*Corresponding author).
4. Hao-Chang Sung*, & Lisi Shi, (2022). "Empirical pricing kernel and option-implied risk aversion in China 50 ETF". Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 58(15), 4286-4299. [SSCI] (*Corresponding author).
5. Cheng-Few Lee, & Hao-Chang Sung*, (2021). "Product market competition and real activities manipulation: Theory and implications". International Review of Economics & Finance, Volume. 74, 192-205. [SSCI, 國科會 Finance A-] (*Corresponding author).
6. Hao-Chang Sung*, & Shirley J. Ho, (2020). "Supply chain finance and impacts of consumers' sustainability awareness". North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume: 54. [SSCI] (*Corresponding author).
7. Wen Ju Liao, & Hao-Chang Sung*, (2020). "Implied risk aversion and pricing kernel in the FTSE 100 Index". North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume: 54. [SSCI] (*Corresponding author).
8. Hui Hong, Hao-Chang Sung, & Jingjing Yang*, (2018). "On profitability of volatility trading on S&P 500 equity index options: The role of trading frictions". International Review of Economics & Finance, 55, 295-307. [SSCI, 國科會 Finance A-] (*Corresponding author).
9. Hao-Chang Sung*, & Chunsheng Yuan, (2017). "Biased voluntary disclosure, earnings target, and product market competition". Annals of Financial Economics, 12(3), (September 2017) (20 pages). [ECONLIT]. (*Corresponding author).
10. Naiwei Chen, Hao-Chang Sung, & Jingjing Yang*, (2017). "Ownership structure, corporate governance, and investment efficiency of Chinese listed firms". Pacific Accounting Review, 29(3), 266-282. [SCOPUS, 國科會 Accounting B+] (*Corresponding author).
11. Hsiao-Fen Hsiao, Szu-Lang Liao, Chi-Wei Su, & Hao-Chang Sung*, (2017). "Product market Competition, R&D investment choice, and real earnings management". International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, (2017), 25(3), 296-312. [SCOPUS, ABDC-B Journal] (*Corresponding author).
12. Su Chi-wei*, Khalid Khan, Oana Ramona Lobonţ, & Hao-Chang Sung, (2016). "Is there any relationship between producer price index and consumer price index in Slovakia? A bootstrap rolling approach". EKONOMICKY CASOPIS, 64(7), 611-628. [SSCI] (*Corresponding author).
13. Hsiao-Ling Liao, Hao-Chang Sung*, & Min-Teh Yu. (2016). "Advertising and investor recognition of banking firms: Evidence from Taiwan". Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 52(4), 812-824. [SSCI] (*Corresponding author).
14. Shirley J. Ho*, & Hao-Chang Sung, (2014). "Strategic delegation in a multiproduct mixed industry". Managerial and Decision Economics. 35(4), 278-287. [SSCI] (*Corresponding author).
15. Shirley J. Ho*, & Hao-Chang Sung, (2012). "The informational and strategic impacts of real earnings management". Annals of Economics and Finance, 13(2), 363-387. [SSCI] (*Corresponding author).
1.Hao-Chang Sung, & Lisi Shi (2022). “Empirical Pricing Kernel and Option-implied Risk Aversion in China 50 ETF”. accepted to be presented in the 30th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan on 13-14 May, 2022.
2.Cheng-Few Lee, & Hao-Chang Sung (2021). “Alternative Models for Real Earnings Management: Review, Comparison, and Critique”. the 28th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan on January 7-8, 2021.
3.Hao-Chang Sung, & Shirley J. Ho (2020). “Disclosure Strategies for Earnings Forecasts: Compensation Structures and Managerial Overoptimism”. Plenary Session of the JCAE Annual Symposium, 4-5 January 2020 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
4.Cheng-Few Lee and Hao-Chang Sung (2019). “Product Market Competition and Real Activities Manipulation: Theory and Implications”. the 10th International Conference of The Japanese Accounting Review (TJAR) , 22 December, 2019, Rokkodai Campus of Kobe University in Japan
5.Michelle M. Chu, Yin-Feng Gau , & Hao-Chang Sung “Price Discovery in Chinese Stock and Bond Markets around Macroeconomic Announcements”. 2019 China Meeting of the Econometric Society, Jinan University, June 18-20, 2019, China.
6.Hao-Chang Sung & Shirley J. Ho “Purchase Order Financing and Impacts of Consumer’s Sustainability Awareness”. the 27th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management, National Taiwan University, Taiwan on 15-16 June, 2019.
7.Hao-Chang Sung & Shirley J. Ho “Managerial Over-optimism, Managerial Compensation Structures, and the Way of Disclosure to Stock Markets”. the 2019 FeAT Annual Conference, May 31- June 1, 2019, Taipei Medical University, Taipei City, Taiwan.
8.Hao-Chang Sung & Shirley J. Ho “Clawback Provisions, Corporate Governance, and Compensation Structures” 26th Pacific Basin Finance Accounting Economics and Management (PBFEAM) conference, Rutgers University, USA, 6-7 September, 2018.
9.Hao-Chang Sung & Shirley J. Ho Hao-Chang Sung, & Shirley J. Ho “Supply Chain Finance and Impacts of Consumer's Sustainability Awareness” The 12th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou City, Fujian, China July 11 -14, 2018.
10.Cheng-Few Lee, & Hao-Chang Sung “Earnings Benchmarks, Product Market Competition, and Real Earnings Management” 25th Pacific Basin Finance Accounting Economics and Management (PBFEAM) conference, National University of Singapore, Singapore on 22-24 November, 2017.
11.Hao-Chang Sung & Shirley J. Ho “Clawback Provisions, Corporate Governance, and Compensation Structures”. Global Economy & Governance Conference, at the Ocean University of China, Qingdao, on 13th-16th October 2016.
12.Hao-Chang Sung “The Impact of Meeting Earnings Benchmarkss in a Multiperiod Oligopoly Setting”.2015 Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference (CAAA)- concurrent session, Toronto, Canada, (May 2015).
13.Hao-Chang Sung “The Impact of Meeting Earnings Thresholds in a Multiperiod Oligopoly Setting,” 2014 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
14.Hao-Chang Sung “Earnings Target, Voluntary Disclosure, Product Market Competition,” 21st Pacific Basin Finance Accounting Economics an Management (PBFEAM) conference, Melbourne, Australia, 4-5, July, 2013, Deakin University.
15.Szu-Lang Liao, & Hao-Chang Sung,“R&D Expenditure with Spillover, Real Earnings Management, and Meeting or Beating Earnings Targets,”Taiwan Finance Association2013 Annual Conference, May 31~ June 1, 2013, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology.
16.Shirley J. Ho, & Hao-Chang Sung, “The Strategic Impacts of Providing Nonprofit Health Service,”The 9th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 8-10, April, 2011, Northeastern University.
17.Shirley J. Ho, & Hao-Chang Sung, “Strategic and Information Impact of Real Earning Management,”2011 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Finance Association, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2-5, March, 2011, DePaul University.
1.110年度科技部研究計畫,“改善實質活動操弄衡量之實證研究”. (研究計畫編號: MOST 110-2410-H-194-097-)
2.111年科技部人文社會科學研究中心 補助青年學者暨跨領域研究學術輔導與諮詢 研究計畫名稱: “The Determinants of Immaterial Error in Financial Statements: Agency Model and Empirical Testing”. (薪傳學者︰廖珮真教授/國立臺灣大學會計學系; 計畫編號: MOST 110-2420-H-002-003-MY3 -Y11107)
1. Cheng-Few Lee, & Hao-Chang Sung, (2021). “Alternative Models for Real Earnings Management: Review, Comparison, and Critique”.