1. 管理學
2. 組織行為
3. 人力資源管理
2. 組織行為
3. 人力資源管理
1. 管理學
2. 組織行為
2. 組織行為
項目 |
中央大學人力資源管理研究所博士 |
東吳大學企業管理學系 |
項目 |
丘周剛、劉敏熙、徐克成、林俊宏、林欣怡、田靜婷、羅潔伶與高文彬(2018). |
現代人力資源管理:新趨勢與發展(第三版),台北:新文京。 |
項目 |
1. ICT工作需求與工作生活角色整合在探索性學習行為之研究-邊界理論觀點(研究計畫編號:MOST 107-2410-H-031 -060 -MY2) 委辦單位:科技部,擔任職稱:計畫主持人,計劃時間:2018.08-2021.07。 |
2. 企業如何回應政府的訓練補貼? 前因與效應之探討(研究計畫編號:MOST 107-2410-H-008 -059 -SS2) 委辦單位:科技部,擔任職稱:共同計畫主持人,計劃時間:2018.08-2021.07。 |
3. 不同人力資本取得策略選擇對員工態度與行為的影響:勞動市場觀點(研究計畫編號:MOST 105-2410-H-031 -055 -) 委辦單位:科技部,擔任職稱:計畫主持人,計劃時間:2016.08-2017.09。 |
4. 人力資本策略對組織績效的影響--內外部勞動市場的觀點(研究計畫編號:MOST 104-2410-H-031-054 -SSS) 委辦單位:科技部,擔任職稱:計畫主持人,計劃時間:2015.08-2016.09。 |
5. 承諾型人資源管理系統與團隊績效:不同理論觀點的多層次實證研究(研究計畫編號:103-2410-H-031 -065 -SSS),委辦單位:國科會,擔任職稱:計畫主持人,計劃時間:2014.08-2015.07。 |
6. 從社會技術系統觀點探討承諾型人力資源管理系統對員工態度與行為的跨層次影響(研究計畫編號:101-2410-H-031-041-),委辦單位:國科會,擔任職稱:計畫主持人,計劃時間:2012.08-2013.07。 |
7. 團隊多層次觀點探討合作型人力資源管理實務對團隊領域行為之影響—團隊心理擁有感之中介角色(研究計畫編號:100-2410-H-031-054-SSS),委辦單位:國科會,擔任職稱:計畫主持人,計劃時間:2011.08-2012.07。 |
8. 人力資源管理實務與員工創新行為對組織創新績效之影響:跨層次觀點新行為對組織創新績效之影響:跨層次觀點(研究計畫編號:99-2410-H-031-003-),委辦單位:國科會,擔任職稱:計畫主持人,計劃時間:2010.08-2011.07。 |
項目 |
(1)SSCI |
Min-Shi Liu & Nien-Chi Liu. (Accepted). Impact of Human Capital Strategies on Employee Attitudes and Behavior-- A View of Internal and External Labor Markets. International Journal of Manpower. (SSCI) (MOST 105-2410-H-031 -055 -S補助) |
Min-Shi Liu & Mei-Ling Wang.(2020) A Multilevel Model of Commitment-Based HR Practices on Team Performance: The Team Cognition Model. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 58(3), 378-398. (SSCI Impact Factor = 1.894). |
Jie Tang, Min-Shi Liu, & Wen-Bin Liu.(2017) How Workplace Fun Influences Employees’ Performance: The Role Of Person–Organization Value Congruence. Social Behavior and Personality, 45(11), 1787–1802. (SSCI Impact Factor = 0.680). |
Chun-Hsien Lee, Mei-Ling Wang & Min-Shi Liu.(2017). When and How Does Psychological Voice Climate Influence Individual Change Readiness? The Mediating Role of Normative Commitment and the Moderating Role of Work Engagement. Frontiers in Psychology, 8,1-11. (SSCI Impact Factor = 2.323). |
Min-Shi Liu (2012). Impact of Knowledge Incentive Mechanisms on Individual Knowledge Creation Behavior – An Empirical Study for Taiwanese R&D Professionals. International Journal of Information Management.32(5),442-450. (SSCI Impact Factor = 8.210).(科技部NSC99-2410-H-031-093;NSC100-2410-H-031-054-SSS補助) |
Nien-Chi Liu & Min-Shi Liu.(2011).Human Resources Practices and Individual Knowledge Sharing Behavior – An Empirical Study for Taiwanese R&D professional. International Journal of Human Resource Management.22(4),981-997. (SSCI Impact Factor = 3.420). (科技部管理一學門推薦期刊)、Min-Shi Liu & Nien-Chi Liu.(2008).Sources of Knowledge Acquisition and Patterns of Knowledge Sharing Behaviors – An Empirical Study of Taiwanese High-Tech Firms. International Journal of Information Management.28(5),423-432. (SSCI Impact Factor = 8.210). |
(2)TSSCI |
劉敏熙、汪美伶、許淑晴. (2019).「科技使員工更幸福嗎?」-工作要求-資源模式.組織與管理. 第十二卷第一期,頁83-125(TSSCI). (科技部管理一學門推薦期刊) |
劉敏熙、劉念琪.(2013).知識治理機制對個人知識管理行為的影響—從所有權觀點探討.組織與管理.第六卷第一期.頁1-57。(TSSCI). (科技部管理一學門推薦期刊) |
(3)其他具審查制度之期刊論文 |
Min-Shi Liu ,(2018 ). Evaluation of Human Resource Management Systems on Employees' Knowledge Innovative Behavior - An Empirical Study for Taiwanese R&D Professional, International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS), pp. 1-10, Volume-4,Issue-10 |
胡凱傑、劉敏熙、賀瑞梅.(2012).銀行業員工滿意度、服務導向組織公民行為與顧客忠誠度之關係-以財富管理部門為例,東吳經濟商學學報第七十九期,頁45-80。 |
Min-Shi Liu & Shin-Yi Lin. (2012).Collective Psychological Ownership of Knowledge and Knowledge Sharing – An Empirical Study of Taiwanese High-Tech Companies. JM International Journal of Management Research .2(6).375-390.(ISSN: 2229-4562). (科技部NSC99-2410-H-031-093; NSC100-2410-H-031-054-SSS補助) |
項目 |
(1)具審稿制度之國外研討會 |
Min-Shi Liu & Mei-Ling Wang. (2019, August). Commitment-Based HR Practices and Team Performance: A Multilevel Model. 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, USA. |
Min-Shi Liu. (2019, January). The Effect of Job Demand and Resource on Job Engagement. 2019 International Symposium on Social Science and Management (ISSSM). Sapporo. |
Min-Shi Liu. (2018, August). Evaluation of Human Resource Management Systems on Employees' Knowledge Innovative Behavior — An Empirical Study for Taiwanese R&D Professional. 432nd International Conference on Management and Information Technology(ICMIT). New York. |
Min-Shi Liu , Mei-Ling Wang ,& Shu-Ching Shiu. (2017,June). 「Does technology make employees a better life?」-Job Demands-Resources Model. 2017 AAoM & TAoM Biennial Conference. Japan. |
Mei-Ling Wang & Min-Shi Liu. (2017,June) .Examining the Antecedents of Individual Change Readiness: Voice Behavior as a Mediator. 2017 AAoM & TAoM Biennial Conference. Japan. |
Min-Shi Liu. (2016,June)The Study of Cross-Level Analysis of Collaborative HRM Practices and Group Territorial Behavior-- The Perspective of Ownership. International Conference on “Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities- BESSH-2016. |
Min-Shi Liu & Yen-Ting Chun.(2016,September). Impact on Shared Mental Models on Teamwork Process of Personal Cognition–The interference effect of Team Tasks.10th Asia Academy of Management Conference and 10th Taiwan Academy of Management Conference. Taiwan. |
Min-Shi Liu & Mei-Ling Wang. (2015,June). Impact of Human Resource Management Systems on Employees’ Knowledge Innovative Behavior — An Empirical Study for Taiwanese R&D Professionals.9th Asia Academy of Management and 8th Taiwan Academy of Management Joint Conference. Hong Kong. |
Mei-Ling Wang & Min-Shi Liu. (2015,June) .A Multilevel Examination of the Effect of Service Climate on Resident Loyalty.9th Asia Academy of Management and 8th Taiwan Academy of Management Joint Conference. Hong Kong. |
Mei-Ling Wang & Min-Shi Liu.(2014,August). Linking Emotion Regulation to Adaptive Selling Behaviors: The Role of Climate of Authenticity. 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia,USA. |
Min-Shi Liu.(2013,August). Effect of HIWP and Employee Knowledge Innovation on Organizational Innovation Performance. 2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida,USA. (榮獲收錄於「美國管理學會研討會」最佳論文選輯Best paper proceedings). (科技部NSC 101-2410-H-031-041-) |
Min-Shi Liu & Shin-Yi Lin.(2012,February).Collective Psychological Ownership of Knowledge and Individual Knowledge Sharing Behaviors -- An Empirical Study of Taiwanese High-Tech Companies.2012 International Conference on Education and Management Innovation. Singapore. |
Min-Shi Liu.(2010, October). Human Resource Practices and Individual Knowledge Innovative Behavior--An Empirical Study for Taiwanese R&D Professionals. International Academy of Business and Economics .Las Vegas, USA. |
Min-Shi Liu & Nien-Chi Liu.(2009,August). Impact of Knowledge Governance Mechanisms on Individual Knowledge Creation Behavior -- An Empirical Study for Taiwanese R&D Professionals. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Chicago. Illinois, USA. |
Min-Shi Liu & Nien-Chi Liu.(2008,August). Sources of Knowledge Acquisition and Patterns of Knowledge Sharing Behaviors in R&D context. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California, USA. |
Nien-Chi Liu & Min-Shi Liu.(2007,August).Human Resource Practices and Individual Knowledge Sharing Behavior: An Empirical Study for Taiwanese R&D Professionals. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, USA. |
Nien-Chi Liu & Min-Shi Liu.(2006,November).How can organizations encourage individual knowledge sharing behavior: An empirical study for Taiwanese R & D Professionals. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the R&D Management, Taipei, Taiwan. |
(2)具審稿制度之國內研討會 |
劉敏熙、林華方,(2016.06),承諾型人力資源管理實務對共享心智模式的影響-以信任型組織氣候為中介變項,2016第19屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、許淑晴,(2016.06),「科技有讓員工變得更幸福嗎?」-探討工作要求、工作資源、科技壓力與員工幸福感的影響,2016第19屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、曾子安,(2016.06),人力資本策略對組織績效的影響─以信任型組織氣候為中介變數,2016第19屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、林嘉瑞,(2014.06),工作特徵隊尋求回饋行為的影響─以知識屬性為調節變項 ,2014第17屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙,(2013.11),Effect of High-Innovative Work Practices and Employee Knowledge Innovation on Organizational Innovation Performance:A Multilevel Perspective,2013社團法人中華民國管理科學學會102年年會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、王樂捷,(2013.06),團隊導向人力資源管理措施對員工態度之影響─以團隊學習為中介變項 ,2013第16屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、陳宥羽,(2012.06),承諾型人力資源管理實務對顧客滿意度之影響-以情感性承諾、服務導向組織公民行為為中介效果,2012第15屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣,榮獲最佳論文獎。 |
高珮真、劉敏熙,(2012.06),高績效人力資源管理實務對團隊領域行為的影響-以團隊心理擁有感為中介變項 ,2012第15屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、張育銘,(2011.06),承諾型人力資源管理實務與工作生活平衡之關係組織氣候的中介效果,2011第14屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、林正和,(2011.06),人力資源管理實務與組織創新績效的關係:員工知識創新管理行為的中介效果,2011第14屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
陳怡如、劉敏熙,(2011.06),高績效人力資源管理實務與員工態度之關係-以組織氣候為中介變項,2011第14屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
陳蓁琬、劉敏熙,(2011.06),承諾型人力資源管理實務、團隊凝聚力、合作組織氣候對員工知識分享行為的影響,2011第14屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、盧奕彰,(2010.06), 員工心理擁有感對組織承諾的影響-以領域行為為中介變項,2010第13屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、林欣儀,(2010.06), 知識心理擁有感對個人知識分享動機與知識分享行為之影響,2010第13屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、胡汶沁,(2010.06), 心理擁有感、工作滿足、及組織公民行為三者間的關係,2010第13屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、徐紹博,(2010.06), 探討組織心理擁有感對員工的組織承諾和工作績效的影響,2010第13屆科際整合研討會,台北,台灣。 |
劉敏熙、劉念琪(2007, November).由所有權觀點探討知識治理機制對個人知識管理行為的影響.2007中華民國科技管理學會,台中,台灣。 |