1. 關係行銷 2. 服務行銷 3. 消費者關係參與動機及行為
項目 |
英國愛丁堡大學行銷博士(2009/11) |
國立高雄第一科技大學行銷碩士 (2001/6) |
國立高雄第一科技大學行銷與流通管理系學士(1999/6) |
項目 |
英國愛丁堡大學Business School兼任助教 |
國立台北商業技術學院附設專科進修學校兼任講師 |
項目 |
Hung, Hui-Hsi, Cheng, Yin-Hui, Chuang, Shih-Chieh, Yu, Annie Pei-I, & Yu- Ting Lin (2021, Jul). Consistent price endings increase consumers perceptions of cheapness. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61, 102590, (SSCI). |
Liang, Chih-Chin, Yu, Annie P. & Le, Thi Hong (2021, May). Customers focus and impulse buying at night markets. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102434. |
Yu, Annie Pei-I, Chuang, Shih-Chieh, Cheng, Yin-Hui, and Wu, Yi-Chin (2019, Dec). The influence of sharing versus self-use on the preference for different types of promotional offers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 102026 (SSCI). |
Cheng, Yin-Hui, Chuang, Shih-Chieh, Yu, Annie Pei-I, Lai, Wan-Ting (2019, Jul). Change in your wallet, change your choice: The effect of the change-matching heuristic on choice. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 49, 67-76. (SSCI). |
Hung, Shin-Yuan, Yu, Annie Pei-I and Chiu, Yi-Chieh (2018, Jan). Investigating the factors influencing small online vendors’ intention to continue engaging in social commerce. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 28 (1), 9-30. (SCI). |
Lin, Kuo-Yi, Yu, Annie Pei-I, Chu, Pei-Chun and Chien, Chen-Fu (2017, Sep). User-experience-based design of experiments for new product development of consumer electronics and an empirical study. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 34(7), 504-519. (TSSCI). |
Cheng, Yin-Yui, Yu, Annie Pei-I, Huang, Molly Chien-Jung and Dai, Chia-Jung (2017, Jul). Preference Reversals Between Joint and Separate Evaluations with Multiple Alternatives and Context Effects. Psychological Reports, 120 (6), 1117- 1136. (SSCI, 98/129 in Psychology). |
Kao, Danny Tengti, Zhang, Lei, Yu, Annie Pei-I, and Wu, Pei-Hsun (2017, Jun). Do ad metaphors enhance or dilute the consumers' brand preferences? Exploring the moderating role of goal orientation. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 16(5), 474- 482. (SSCI, 78/121 in Business). |
Kao, Danny Tengti, Wu, Pei-Hsun and Yu, Annie Pei-I (2017, Jan). The impact of construal level on brand preferences: Ad metaphors and brand biography as moderators. Asia Pacific Management Review, 22(1), 52- 59. (TSSCI, 8/46 in Management (Taiwan)). |
Chien, Chen-Fu, Kerh, Rhoann, Lin, Kuo-Yi, and Yu, Annie Pei-I (2016, Jul). Data-driven innovation to capture user-experience product design: An empirical study for notebook visual aesthetics design. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 99, 162-173. (SCI, 28/105 in computer science). |
楊永生、游蓓怡(2021年12月)。賣油?還是賣咖啡? 中油加油站品牌發展策 略抉擇。中山管理評論,第二十九卷,第四期,p713-740(TSSCI) |
楊文芬、游蓓怡(2018年06月)。康揚輔具─品牌再造與通路設計的抉擇。產業與管理論壇,20(2) 86-100。(TSSCI)。 |
項目 |
Park, Hee Jung and Yu, Annie P. (2020, Nov). Can we use financial service consumption to predict materialism? An empirical study in US. 2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul, MOST 108-2410-H-194-095. |
Yu, Annie P. (2020, Nov). Your words inspire me! The influence of word-of- mouth marketing: from the perspective of “emotion as social information (ESAI) model”. 2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul, . MOST 108-2410-H- 194-095. |
Hung, Shin-Yuan, Yu, Annie Pei-I, Hung, Yu-Li, Chen, Kuanchin and Hung, Hui-Ting (2019, Jul). Factors Influencing Attitudes Towards Patients’ Personal Information Protection. 2019 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Xian, China. |
Yu, Wen-Yu, Hung, Shin-Yuan, Yu, Annie Pei-I and Yu-Li Hung (2018, Nov). Understanding Social Media Participation Continuance Intention: A Perspective of Friends on Social Media. DSI 49th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA. |
Yu, Annie (2018, Jul). A dark side of the consumer-brand relationship: Schadenfreude. 2018 51st Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, University of Stirling, Stirling Scotland, UK. |
Yu, Annie Pei-I Cheng, Hsiao jou (2016, Jun). Brand Story Marketing: Its Influence on the Formation of Brand Image, Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention. The Seventh Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, Kobe, Japan. |
Yu, Annie Pei-I (2015, Dec). I belong to this community: the role of engagement, identification, and repurchase intention. 2015 International Conference on Kansei Engineering: Sensibility and Rationality, Chang Gung University, New Taipei City, Taiwan. ISBN:978-986-88721-6-5. |
Yu, Annie Pei-I and Yang, Irene Wen-Fen (2015, Sep). The Exploration of “Trash Talk” in Brand community and Its Influence on Brand Relationship. 2015 British Academy of Management Conference, Portsmouth, UK. MOST 104-2410-H- 194-087. ISBN: 978-0-9549608-8-9. |
Yu, Annie Pei-I and Hsu, Wei-Kung (2014, May). Service wait management and its effects on service evaluation in pre-process of restaurant service. Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management (GEIM) Conference, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan. |