1. 金融科技 2. 巨量投資 3. 投資組合 4. 公司治理 5. 市場微結構
項目 |
國立中山大學財務管理博士 |
項目 |
1.Wang, Ming-Chang; Hsu, Yu-Feng; Chien, Hsiang-Ying, Are Private Placements Associated With More Active Media Management than Public Offerings? Evidence from Taiwan, Journal of Accounting Literature (國科會列名會計A-級期刊) forthcoming |
2.王明昌、丁裕家,台灣上市企業於當地證券分公司發生異常交易量之決定因素: 交易距離、當地偏誤、社群網絡與地區特徵,中山管理評論(TSSCI) |
3.Fang, C.-L., Wang, M.-C., Tsai, C.-F., Lin, W.-C.*, and Liao, P.-Q. (accepted2022/12/06 online2023/01/02 published2023/07) Instance selection using one-versus-all and one-versus-one decomposition approaches in multiclass classification datasets. Expert Systems, 40(6), e13217. (SCI; IF=2.812; 37/110 Q2(2021-JCR) in Computer Science, Theory & Method) (SCI, 國科會列名資訊科技期刊) |
4.王明昌、許育峯、黃振益, 2023, 分析資訊不對稱對K線圖形預測股票投資組合報酬率之影響,電子商務學報(TSSCI) |
5.王明昌、葉曜瑋, 2023, The Price and Volume Effects of Web Search COVID-19 on the Biotechnology Industry, The YMC Management Review. |
6.王明昌、丁裕家、陳詩婷, 2023, 應用卷積神經網路辨識股票K線影像改善投資組合策略之研究, 管理與系統,30卷2期,P229 - 262(TSSCI) |
7.Wang, Ming-Chang, Fei-Han Lee, 2022, Expertise Backgrounds of Director Members and IPO Firms’ Performance, Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (國科會列名財務B級期刊) |
8.Wang, Ming-Chang, Fei-Han Lee, Chien-Chuan Ko, 2022, The Impact of Market Panic Sentiment on the Stock Price Reaction from News Events in Taiwan Stock Exchange, Journal of Management & Systems, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p147-186. 40p. (TSSCI) |
9.Wang, Ming-Chang, Wei-Chao, Lin and Chih-Fong Tsai, 2021, Towards Missing Electric Power Data Imputation for Energy Management Systems, Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 174, 147. (SCI, 國科會列名資訊科技期刊) |
10.Wang, Ming-Chang and Yu-Jia Ding, Does the Quarterly Accrual Anomaly Exist in Taiwan’s Stock Market? Evidence from Manager’s Earnings Management, Managerial and Decision Economics, (forthcoming) (SSCI, 國科會列名經濟B級期刊) |
11.Wang, Ming-Chang and Yu-Jia Ding, 2019, Improving the Market Quality of Underlying Securities: Alternative Issuing Choices of Single Stock Derivatives Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 27, No 2, 121-142. (TSSCI). |
12.Chih-Fong Tsai, Ya-Han Hu, Ming-Chang Wang, Kang Ernest Liu, 2019, Bag-of-Words and Region-Based Feature Representations in Object Categorization: A Comparative Study. Journal of Computers, 14(2): 93-100. |
13.Chih-Fong Tsai, Ya-Han Hu, Ming-Chang Wang, Kang Liu, 2019, On Fusing Multiple Instance Selection Results. IEEM,1546-1549. |
14.王明昌、丁裕家、蔡安琦,2019,企業融資限制為後續財務危機發生因素, 證券市場發展季刊, 31:2, 1-3 ( Review of Securities and Futures Markets) (TSSCI). |
15.Wang, Ming-Chang, Lee-Young Cheng, Chien Chuan Ko, and Pang-Ying Chou, 2018, Does Public Latency Influence Market Quality? An Analysis of Pre-trade Transparency at the Taiwan Futures Exchange, Quarterly Review of Economics & Finance, vol. 70(C), pages 227-240. (國科會列名財務A-級期刊) |
16.Wang, Ming-Chang, Yu-Jia Ding and Pei-Han Hsin, 2018, Order Aggressiveness and the Heating and Cooling-off Effects of Price Limits: Evidence from Taiwan Stock Exchange, Journal of Economics and Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, 191-216. (EconLit) |
17.Wang, Ming-Chang & Ding, Yu-Jia & Chiang, Hsin-Chieh, 2018. Do enterprise–bank relationships improve market quality? Evidence from Taiwan, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 67(C), pages 79-91. (國科會列名財務A-級期刊). |
18.王明昌、周明賢, 撮合時間的縮短對證券市場交易品質的影響, 2018, 證券市場發展季刊, 30:1, 1-48. ( Review of Securities and Futures Markets) (TSSCI, 107年優秀論文獎) |
19.Wang, Ming-Chang, Sung-Shan Chen, Jen-Min Chiang, 2017, Rationality of the personal loan interest-rate markups of banks, 交大管理學報(Corporate Management Review), Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 115-163. (TSSCI) |
20.Lee, Yung-Chuan and Ming-Chang Wang, 2017, How Does Corporate Control Affect the Appointment, Auditing Expertise and Reputation of Independent Directors? Evidence from Taiwan, Quarterly Review of Economics & Finance 64, 130-140. (國科會列名財務A-級期刊). |
21.Chih-Fong Tsai, Ya-Han Hu, Ming-Chang Wang, Kang Ernest Liu, 2017, Early versus Late Dimensionality Reduction of Bag-of-Words Feature Representation for Image Classification. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications 2017, December 2017, pages 42-45. |
22.Wang, Ming-Chang, Lee-Young Cheng and Pang-Ying Chou, 2016, Effects of individual margin requirement and risk preference on individual margin trading, 交大管理學報(Corporate Management Review), Vol. 36 No.1, pp. 69-96, (TSSCI) |
23.Wang, Ming-Chang and Yu-Jia Ding, 2016, Anatomy of the Bid-ask Spread in an Order-driven Market: The Trade-off between Adverse Selection Costs and Non-execution Costs, Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Volume 7, pp.161-183 (國科會列名財務B級期刊). |
24.Wang, Ming-Chang, Ya-Chiu Angela Liu and Hung-Chih Wang, 2016, The Causes of Short-term Momentum and Investing Strategies in Daily Returns: Evidence from Taiwan, Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Volume 7, pp.121-141 (國科會列名財務B級期刊). |
25.Wang, Ming-Chang and Yu-Jia Ding, 2016, A Study of the Dynamic Relationship between Single Stock Futures and their Underlying Securities, Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Volume 7, pp.43-63 (國科會列名財務B級期刊). |
26.Ming-Chang Wang and Ming-Yuan Cheng, 2016, Evidence of Earnings Management Induced by Educational Subsidies: A Case Study of Taiwan, 中華管理評論 (Web Journal of Chinese Management Review), Vol. 19, No. 1, 1-17. |
27.王明昌、鄭揚耀、柯建全,2015,企業財務危機前之媒體管理,會計評論 (Journal of Accounting Review) V. 61, 77-119. (TSSCI) |
28.王明昌、鄭揚耀、丁裕家,2015,股票期貨與股票選擇權對個股信用交易之替代與互補效果,證券市場發展季刊 ( Review of Securities and Futures Markets), Vol. 27:1, 33-70. (TSSCI) |
29.Wang, Ming-Chang and Pang-Ying Chou, 2014, Securities Market Quality and Analysts’ Earnings Forecast Errors, Information Technology Journal, 13(17): 2645-2657. (EI) |
30.Ming Yuan Cheng, and Ming-Chang Wang, 2014, A Study of Value Investing: Profit, Dividend, and Free Cash Flow, International Review of Management and Business Research, Vol. 3 Issue. 4. 1889-1904. (ISI) |
31.王明昌、周邦營, 2014, 公司治理與分析師盈餘預測誤差, 建國科大社會人文期刊, 33 (2) , 19-38. |
32.王明昌、丁裕家、 盧建宏, 2014,企業除權息事件對證券市場交易品質之影響, 人文暨社會科學期刊, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 65-75. |
33.王明昌、周邦營, 2014, 健全財務報表品質與分析師盈餘預測之相關性研究-以公司治理與審計品質觀點探討, 弘光學報, 74期, 14-38 |
34.王明昌,丁裕家,2014,證券首次公開發行與市場交易品質之探討,修平學報,VOL. 28, pp. 67-84. |
35.Wang, Ming-Chang and Ming-Yuan Cheng, 2014, The Performance Synergies between the Science and Engineering and Business Management Backgrounds of Managers in High-tech Mutual Funds: Evidence from Taiwan, International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 34, 211-229. (SSCI, Business, Finance, 國科會列名財務B+級期刊) |
36.Wang, Ming-Chang, Lee-Young Cheng and You-Jie Chen, 2014, Adjusting Minimal Maintenance Margin Requirement When Price Limits Widening, 交大管理學報(Chiao Da Management Review), Vol. 34 No.1., 1-55 (TSSCI, Leading Article) |
37.Lee, Yung-Chuan and Ming-Chang Wang, 2014, Does the Appointment of Independent Directors Drive Multiple Effects? International Journal of Business and Finance Research, Vol. 8, 69-88. (Econlit) |
38.Lee-Young Cheng, Ming-Chang Wang and Kung-Chi Chen, 2014, Institutional Investment Horizons and Stock Performance of Private Equity Placements: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Vol. 17, No.2, 1-30. (FLI, 國科會列名財務B級期刊, Leading Article) |
39.張眾卓、鄭揚耀、王明昌、蔡宜靜,2014,放空價格限制對市場品質之影響,證券市場發展季刊 ( Review of Securities and Futures Markets), Vol 26:1, 147-182 (TSSCI) |
40.王明昌、丁裕家, 2013,台灣與東協國家匯率及總體經濟動態關聯性分析, 健行學報, Vol.33, No.4, 59-78. |
41.Wang, Ming-Chang and Lon-Ping Zu, 2013, Trade Timing, Price Volatility and Serial Correlation, European Financial Management, Vol. 19 Issue 5, 911-934. (SSCI, Business, Finance, 國科會列名財務ATier-2級期刊) |
42.Shing Tenqchen, Sung-Shan Chen and Ming-Chang Wang, 2013, Feasibility Study of Traveling Time Estimation with Mutual Comparison of VD, CVP, GVP, and/or EVP Technologies, Journal of Communication and Computer 7, 984-1006. |
43.Shing Tenqchen, Sung-Shan Chen and Ming-Chang Wang, 2013, Design of a Rotary Ring APP Information Capturer for Sun-Moon Lake, Journal of Communication and Computer 5, 603-619. |
44.Wang, Ming-Chang and Yung-Chuan Lee, 2012, The signaling effect of independent director appointments, Emerging Market Trade and Finance, 48(5), 25-47. (SSCI, Business) |
45.陳松山,劉振家,王明昌,黃德舜,2011, 電子資訊業人力資本、管理者品質與經濟附加價值, 評價學報,No 5, 35-56 |
46.Wang, Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu, and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2010, Risk aversion, order strategy, and price formation, Applied Economics (SSCI, Economics) 42, 627–640. |
47.王明昌、朱榕屏、王弘志,2010,台灣股市不存在中期動能效應?,東吳經濟商學學報68, 91-120. |
48.Zu, Lon-Ping, Jung-Juei Lee, Ming-Chang Wang and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2009, Competitive Investors, Trading Timing, and Price Discovery, Applied Financial Economics (FLI, 國科會列名財務B+級期刊), Volume 19, Issue 20, 1661 - 1674. |
49.Wang, Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu, and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2008, The state of the electronic limit order book, order aggressiveness and price formation, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (SSCI, Business, Finance, 國科會列名財務B+級期刊) 37, 247-298. |
50.Zu, Lon-Ping, Ming-Chang Wang, and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2008, Order strategy of informed trader in an order-driven market, 2007台灣財務金融學會研討會最佳論文集, 財務金融學刊 (TSSCI) V.16, N.2, 127-173. |
項目 |
A. International Conference: |
Chih-Fong Tsai, Ya-Han Hu, Ming-Chang Wang, Kang Ernest Liu, 2019, On Fusing Multiple Instance Selection Results, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Macau. (科技部人文司管理二學門生管領域推薦之國際學術會議) |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Chien-Chuan and Ko Fei-Han Lee, 2019, Asymmetric Responses of News Coverage to the Stock Prices of Domestic and Offshore Companies Listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management ISSSM, Hokkiado, Japan. |
Chih-Fong Tsai, Ya-Han Hu, Ming-Chang Wang, Kang Ernest Liu, 2018, Bag-of-Words and Region-Based Feature Representations in Object Categorization: A Comparative Study, 11th International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, Tokyo, Japan. |
Wang, Ming-Chang and Chien Chuan Ko, 2018, Do Private Placements Have Active Media Management than Public Offerings? Evidence from Taiwan, Western Economic Association International The 93rd Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada(科技部人文司管理二學門生管領域推薦之國際學術會議) |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Yu-Jia Ding, Chia-Chi Hsieh, 2018, "Do Auditor Audit Quality Improve Market Quality of Clientele Firms? Evidence from Taiwan, International Conference on Innovation and Management, Fukuoka, Japan. |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Ming-Sen Chou and Hung-Chih Wang, 2017, Does The Quarterly Accrual Anomaly Exist In Taiwan’s Stock Market?” 2017 International Academic Conference on Business Stockholm, Sweden. |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Lee-Young Cheng and Bang-Ying Chou, 2016, Does Public Latency Influence Market Quality? An Analysis of Pre-trade Transparency at the Taiwan Futures Exchange, 2016 European Financial Management Association Annual Conference, Universität Basel, Switzerland (MOST 104-2410-H-194-022 -, 獲得國科會出席國際研討會經費補助)(科技部列名第二級研討會) |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Hong-Tin Chen and Ming-Yuan Cheng 2015, Labor Residual and Stock Return, International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management, Tokyo, Japan. (MOST 103-2410-H-194 -058 --, 獲得國科會出席國際研討會經費補助) |
Wang, Ming-Chang and Yu-Jia Ding, 2014, Improving the Market Quality of Underlying Securities: Alternative Issuing Choices of Single Stock Derivatives, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Barcelona, Spain. (NSC 102-2410-H-194 -045 - , 獲得國科會出席國際研討會經費補助) |
Wang, Ming-Chang and Bang-Ying Chou, 2012, The Determinants of Individual Investors’ Order Strategy, Financial Management Association (FMA) 2012 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA. (NSC 101-2410-H-194 -053 - , 獲得國科會出席國際研討會經費補助) (科技部列名第二級研討會) |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Bang-Ying Chou and Chun-Hao Chang, 2011, Low-Latency Trading and Refresh of Limit Order Book: Evidence from Taiwan Futures Market. 8th Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives Hosted by Korea Derivatives Association (KDA), Busan, Korea (國科會專題計畫NSC 100-2410-H-194 -018 -出國經費補助) |
Wang, Ming-Chang, 2010, The trade-off between adverse selection costs and non-execution costs in an order-driven market, Financial Management Association (FMA) 2010 Annual Meeting, New York, USA. (NSC 99-2410-H-194 -047 - , 獲得國科會出席國際研討會經費補助) (科技部列名第二級研討會) |
Wang, Ming-Chang and Pei-Han Hsin, 2009, Order Aggressiveness and Heating and Cooling-off Effect of Price Limits, 2009, Financial Management Association (FMA) 2009 Annual Meeting, USA Reno. (國科會收文號0980046162 , 獲得國科會出席國際研討會經費補助) (科技部列名第二級研討會) |
Wang, Ming-Chang and Lon-Ping Zu, 2008, Evolution of liquidity: An integrated order strategy model of uninformed and informed traders The 21st Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney. (國科會收文號0970062407, 獲得國科會出席國際研討會經費補助) |
Wang, Ming-Chang and Pei-Han Hsin, 2008, The Effects of Removing Price Limits and Term Structure upon Order-Submission Behaviors of IPOs, 2008, The 21st Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney. (國科會收文號0970064317 , 獲得國科會出席國際研討會經費補助) |
Wang, Ming-Chang and Pei-Han Hsin, 2008, Order Aggressiveness, Price Distance and the Heating and Cooling-off Effects of Price Limits , The 16th Conference on The theories and practices of Securities and Financial Markets, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung. |
Hsin, Pei-Han, Ming-Chang Wang and Chin-Shun Wu, 2008, Limit order book information, order aggressiveness, and price limits, Third International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM) held by Korean Securities Association (KSA) in Seoul, Korea. |
Wang, Ming-Chang and Yung-Chuan Lee, 2008, Signaling effect of corporate governance policy: theory and empirical Taiwanese evidence of independent director appointments, 2008 International Conference on Corporate Governance and Financial Integration, Taipei. |
Lee, Jung-Juei, Lon-Ping Zu, Ming-Chang Wang and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2007, The timing of informed trades when all traders are risk averse, The 15th Conference on The theories and practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Kaohsiung. |
Zu, Lon-Ping, Jung-juei Lee, Ming-Chang Wang, and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2007, Informed trading timing and market behavior, Second International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM) held by Korean Securities Association (KSA) in Seoul, Korea. |
Wang, Ming-Chang and Yung-Chuan Lee, 2007, Monitoring effects and signaling effects of independent director appointments: voluntary and mandatory appointments, EFMA Symposium ‘Corporate Governance & Shareholder Activism’, Bocconi University, Italy. (國科會收文號0961002667, 獲得國科會出席國際研討會經費補助) |
Hsin, Pei-Han, Ming-Chang Wang and Chin-Shun Wu, 2007, Information indicators of limit order book and optimal dynamic order submission strategy, The Second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2007), Kumamoto City International Center, Japan. |
Lee, Jung-Juei, Lon-Ping Zu, Ming-Chang Wang and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2007, Trade timing, price volatility, and autocorrelation of returns, 2007 NTU International Finance Conference, Taipei. (Best Paper Award) |
Zu, Lon-Ping, Jung-juei Lee, Ming-Chang Wang, and Chau-Jung Kuo , 2006, Strategic informed trading, market performance, and risk aversion market makers, The 14th Conference on The theories and practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Kaohsiung. (Best Paper Award) |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu, and Chau-Jung Kuo , 2006, Anatomy of bid-ask spread empirical evidence from an order-driven market, The 38th Annual 2006 Conference of Money Macro and Finance Research Group, University of York, British. |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu, and Chau-Jung Kuo , 2006, The state of the electronic limit, order strategy and price formation, International Conference on Microstructure of Financial and Money Markets, Banque de France, Paris. (國科會收文號0950020195, 獲得國科會出席國際研討會經費補助) |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu, and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2005, 台灣股票市場中期股價行為之研究, 東アジア地域経営学会國際研討會, 日本Inter-reginal 学会, Kaohsiung. |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu, and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2004, Order strategy and price formation, The 12th Conference on The theories and practices of Securities and Financial Markets, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung. |
B. Domestic Conference: |
王明昌、李飛涵、游珉宜,董事會成員專業背景與IPO公司績效,2017台灣財務金融學會年會, 花蓮。 |
王明昌、柯健全,企業財務危機前的媒體管理, 2012台灣財務金融學會年會, 台北. |
王明昌、王弘志,台灣股市散戶追漲殺跌短線進出是錯的?, 2010台灣財務金融學會年會, 南投. |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu, and Hung-Chih Wang, 2009, Stock Price Behavior under Arbitrage Risks, 2009灣財務金融學會年會, 桃園. |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Pei-Han Hsin, and Chin-Shun Wu, 2008, Order-Submission Behaviors, Price Limits and Pricing Anomalies in IPOs Market, 2008台灣財務金融學會年會, 花蓮. |
Lee, Jung-Juei, Lon-Ping Zu, Ming-Chang Wang and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2007, Informed trading, risk aversion, and market performance, 2007台灣財務金融學會年會, 台中. |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu, and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2007, Order strategy of informed trader in an order-driven market, 2007台灣財務金融學會年會, 台中. (Best Paper Award) |
Hsin, Pei-Han, Ming-Chang Wang and Chin-Shun Wu, 2007, Information indicators and optimal dynamic order submission strategy, 2007台灣財務金融學會年會, 台中. |
Wu, Chin-shun, Pei-Han Hsin, and Ming-Chang Wang, 2007, Optimizing dynamic order submission strategy by rolling ordered probit model: an analysis of Taiwan 50 index stocks, 2007中華決策科學年會, 台中. |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu, and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2006, Measuring information indicators from a limit order book, 2006台灣財務工程學會年會, 台北. |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu, and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2006, A continuous model of the optimal order strategy: A risk aversion view, 2006台灣財務金融學會, 台北. |
Wang, Ming-Chang, Lon-Ping Zu, and Chau-Jung Kuo, 2006, A continuous model of the optimal order strategy: A risk aversion view, 2006現代財務論壇學術研討會, 台中. |
王明昌, 朱榕屏, 郭照榮, 2003, 台灣股市動能與反向策略, 行為財務學暨法與財務學研討會, 世新大學, 台北. |
項目 |
一、科技部計畫 |
110專題研究計畫 (一般型研究計畫),會計學門,新冠疫情對企業與銀行關係的衝擊:財報績效與財務彈性是中介變數或調節變數? ,經費NT$ 809,000。 |
109專題研究計畫 (一般型研究計畫),會計學門,人力資本策略、智慧科技投資和資產定價: 台灣股票市場股價反應之替代與互補效果,經費NT$ 809,000。 |
107 專題研究計畫 (一般型研究計畫),會計學門,台灣股市當地偏誤之成因探討:人口統計特徵,社群網路與營業據點地理性分佈計畫主持人,經費NT$ 962,000。 |
106 專題研究計畫 (一般型研究計畫),會計學門, 錯誤定價和所有權與控制權差異動機之媒體管理, 計畫主持人,經費NT$ 661,000。 |
105 專題研究計畫 (一般型研究計畫),巨量資料應用研究學門 財金新聞與K線影像巨量資料對股價行為的預測之應用,計畫主持人,經費NT$ 701,000 。 |
104 專題研究計畫 (一般型研究計畫),財務學門,財務限制與私募,共同主持人,經費NT$ 557,000。 |
104 專題研究計畫 (一般型研究計畫),財務學門,媒體報導與新聞動能,計畫主持人,經費NT$ 614,000。 |
103 專題研究計畫 (一般型研究計畫),財務學門,證券市場品質與分析師盈餘預測誤差,計畫主持人,經費NT$ 339,000。 |
103 專題研究計畫 (一般型研究計畫),財務學門,財務限制與併購支付工具之選擇,共同主持人,經費NT$ 695,000。 |
102 專題研究計畫 (新進人員研究計畫),財務學門,新聞報導與台灣證券市場品質,計畫主持人,經費NT$ 488,000。 |
101 專題研究計畫 (新進人員研究計畫),財務學門,低延遲交易與委託單積極度,計畫主持,經費NT$ 522,000。 |
100 專題研究計畫 (新進人員研究計畫),會計學門,實質盈餘管理、非財務衡量與應計異象,計畫主持人,經費NT$ 238,000。 |
099 專題研究計畫 (產學合作研究計畫-應用型),財務學門,台股短期動能策略之應用,計畫主持人,經費NT$ 296,000 |
099 專題研究計畫 (新進人員研究計畫),會計學門,盈餘管理與價格動能,計畫主持人,經費NT$ 472,000 |
099 專題研究計畫 (一般型研究計畫),會計學門,獨立董事對實質盈餘管理的影響─控制股東的調節效果,共同主持人,經費NT$ 304,000。 |
099 專題研究計畫 (一般型研究計畫),財務學門,策略性交易與價格異常現象,共同主持人,經費NT$ 338,000。 |
二、產學計畫 |
110 經濟部中小企業處,109年度「受嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎影響企業融資協處計畫」:COVID-19(武漢肺炎)對台灣製造業之經營績效衝擊之研究,計畫主持人,經費NT$ 738,000。 |
99 臺灣證券交易所,平盤以下不得放空機制是否應調整放寬標的之研究, 計畫共同主持人,經費NT$ 203,000。 |
99 臺灣證券交易所,股市漲跌幅放寛對信用交易之最低整戶擔保維持率之調整計畫共同主持人,經費NT$ 167,000。 |
項目 |
BZNK 必可票貼-企業應收帳款P2P 媒合平台(台灣聯合金融科技股份有限公司)指導顧問 |
106年金科技創新基地(FinTechBase)專家 |
105年國立中正大學青年學者獎 |
項目 |
國際財務管理; 2016年第七版; 編譯作者:王明昌; 出版社:華泰文化 (International Financial Management, 7e, Eunn and Resnnick) |
財務管理;2020年第十二版,編譯作者:王明昌;出版社:華泰文化 (Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Ross, 12e, Westerfield and Jordan) |