兼 企管系主任,清江進修推廣暨數位學習中心 推廣教育組 組長
研究室 4563
‧ Big Data/資料探勘/商業智慧 ‧ 資訊管理 ‧ 人工智慧應用 ‧ 電子商務 ‧ 柔性計算
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國立中央大學資訊管理博士 |
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‧2023/04 - 2023/07Visiting Scholar, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. (Sponsored by 2022-2023 Senior Fulbright Research Grants) ‧2022/09 - Present勞動部人才資源發展中心講師 ‧2022/08 - Present社團法人中華民國南部科學園區產學協會講師 ‧2022/07/02 - Present:國立中正大學研究發展處企劃服務組 − 組長 ‧2022/03 - Present:17Sharing 知識分享公益平台共同發起人 ‧2021/11 - Present:社團法人中華人力資源管理協會講師 ‧2021/03 - Present:樂檸鮮事股份有限公司顧問 ‧2020/11 - Present:員林基督教醫院 – 「醫院人工智慧規劃」專業顧問 ‧2020/09 - Present:行政院僑務委員會 – 僑務工作專家委員 ‧2020/06 - Present:技嘉科技 – 內訓講師 ‧2020/02 - Present:哈佛商業評論(HBR)導師群 ‧2019/07 - 2021/12:財政部雲端發票開獎監察人 ‧2019/07 - Present:聯華電子(UMC):教育訓練教師 ‧2019/07 - Present:臺灣中油(CPC)公司:教育訓練教師 ‧2019/06 - Present:中華民國資訊管理學會:秘書長 ‧2019/02 - Present:大林慈濟醫院:院長室顧問 ‧2019/02 - 2021/03/05:國立中正大學清江學習中心:推廣教育組組長 ‧2018/08 - Present:工業技術研究院課程規劃與教育訓練教師 ‧2018/08 - Present:台塑企業教育訓練教師 ‧2018/08 - Present:Member, Financial Technology and Intelligent Governance Research Center, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. ‧2018/02 - Present:大林慈濟醫院教育訓練教師 ‧2018 - Present:Director, Center for Development and Innovation of Information Security Management, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. ‧2016 - Present:Deputy Director, Big Data Research Center, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University. ‧2018/06/01 - 2018/12/31:經濟部工業局:AI 與數據創新專家顧問團 ‧2015 - 2018:Tutor, Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA), Department of Business Administration, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. ‧2016.7.29 - 2016.8.25:科技部補助移地研究訪問學者, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. ‧2011.8.1 - 2015.7.31:副教授, 國立中正大學企業管理學系暨研究所 ‧2015.7.27 - 2015.8.28:科技部補助移地研究訪問學者, Eberhardt School of Business, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA, USA. ‧2014.7.28 - 2014.8.28:科技部補助移地研究訪問學者, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. ‧2012.8.1 - 2013.7.31:Visiting Scholar, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. (Sponsored by NSC 101-2918-I-194-008, ROC) ‧2008.8.1 - 2011.7.31:助理教授, 國立中正大學企業管理學系暨研究所 ‧2007.8.1 - 2008.7.31:助理教授且兼教學中心組長, 國立臺東大學資訊管理學系 ‧2006.7.24 - 2007.7.29:少尉人事官, 國軍聯勤司令部馬祖地支部 (義預官56-1梯) 在學經歷: ‧2005.8 - 2006.1:兼任講師, 國立中央大學經濟系 ‧2003.8 - 2004.1:兼任講師, 南亞技術學院資管系 ‧2002.8 - 2003.1:兼任講師, 嶺東技術學院資管系 過去開授課程: ‧96F:Decision Support Systems, Economics, Management Information Systems ‧96S:Electronic Commerce, Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Research Methods ‧計算機概論、資管導論、高等資料結構、程式設計 |
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Honors and Awards 1.研討會論文榮獲「優秀論文獎」,第二十七屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會 (IMP2022),嘉南藥理大學 (2022/12/18)。 2.榮獲111學年度國立中正大學傑出研究獎 (2022/12/13) 3.榮獲中華民國管理科學學會111年度「呂鳳章先生紀念獎章」。獎章為中華民國管理科學學會自1981年起設置,獎勵對管理工作、學術研究及推廣有卓越貢獻之青年,為管理領域年輕學者的最高榮譽。 4.榮獲2022-2023 Senior Fulbright Research Grants (資深學者傅爾布萊特研究獎助金),美國在台協會(AIT)補助。 5.榮獲國科會人文社會科學研究中心「多聲部島語Newsletter」專訪,出刊於2022 October No. 37,http://www.hss.ntu.edu.tw/upload/file/202210/0f7a5772-2681-461d-9d88-a2afaac9bc26.pdf。 6.指導博士生林育志參加2022富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎獲得博士組 (優等) 7.指導碩士生參加2021富邦人壽管理碩士論文競賽財務金融、會計與風險管理佳作 8.指導兩位博士生林育志、李明青,獲得科技部「110與111獎勵人文與社會科學領域博士候選人撰寫博士論文」獎勵。 9.107學年度、108學年度、109學年度、110學年度、111學年度國科會獎勵特殊優秀研究人才彈性薪資 10.國立暨南國際大學第七屆(108學年度)傑出校友 (2020/05/13) 11.高等教育深耕計畫幕後貢獻獎,國立中正大學研發處 (2018/05/02)。 12.研討會論文榮獲Best Paper Award,International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2019 Summer), Hiroshima, Japan (2019/07/12)。 13.研討會論文榮獲Best Paper Award,第十三屆國際健康資訊管理研討會,花蓮慈濟醫學中心 (2018/6/8)。 14.指導碩士生參加2017富邦人壽管理碩士論文競賽EMBA 組優勝 (第一名) 15.指導碩士生參加2015崇越論文競賽[碩士組]雲端服務與資訊管理優良 16.指導碩士生參加2015與2016富邦人壽管理碩士論文競賽資訊管理佳作 17.國立暨南國際大學管理學院傑出校友獎 (2014) 18.指導碩士生參加「2013全國大專院校第四屆CEO 國際電子商務盃產業創新經營策略專題競賽」,獲創業類組季軍,且於創業類組的商品創意競賽中,獲得第一。 19.國科會101年度(第50屆)補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究案 (一年期) 20.Directing Master Excellent Award, Association Taiwan Electronic Commerce, 2010. 21.The BAI2010 Best Review Award - Superior Reviewers, International Business Academics Consortium and Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research, 2010. 22.Research Excellence Award, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) 23.Ph.D. Student Award of Phi Tau Phi (斐陶斐), Taiwan, 2006. |
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Industry-Academy Cooperation Projects 1. IBM (Taiwan) Corporation (台灣IBM) 2. Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital (大林慈濟醫院) 3. Awoo International (阿物國際) 4. Formosa Plastics Group (台塑企業) 5. 集美畜牧 6. Hi-Life International Co., Ltd. (光泉萊爾富) 7. Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd. (矽品精密) 8. Karma Medical Products Co., Ltd. (康揚輔具) 9. EPISTAR Corporation (晶元光電) 10. NISSAN (匯聯汽車) 11.MACAUTO (皇田工業) 12.INNOLUX (群創光電) 13. Nice Enterprise (耐斯企業) 14.Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC) (臺灣中油) 15.Yuanlin Christian Hospital (員林基督教醫院) 16. Thefreen Burger (樂檸鮮事股份有限公司) 17. Donpon Precision Inc. (東浦精密光電) 18.Taipei Veterans General Hospital (臺北榮民總醫院) |
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Invited Talks / Lectures (Academy and Industry) 1.2023/03/14, To generative AI or not to generative AI:我與ChatGPT 合作解決大數據管理議題, Department of Economics, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi County, Taiwan. 2.2023/03/07, To generative AI or not to generative AI:我與ChatGPT 合作解決大數據管理議題, Department of Marketing and Tourism Management, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City, Taiwan. 3.2023/03/01, To generative AI or not to generative AI:我與ChatGPT 合作解決大數據管理議題, Department of Information Management, National Taipei University of Business, Taipei, Taiwan. 4.2023/01/08, 大數據分析與管理 (Day 2, 7 Hours), Hsing Wu University (Malaysia EMBA), Selangor D.E. Malaysia. 5.2023/01/07, 大數據分析與管理 (Day 1, 7 Hours), Hsing Wu University (Malaysia EMBA), Selangor D.E. Malaysia. 6.2022/12/11, Session B2-1:生管與數量方法領域(1)、主題:人工智慧與作業管理, 2022 國科會人文處管理二學門專題研究計畫發表會, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung City, Taiwan. 7.2022/12/11, Session A:優秀學者研究經驗分享, 2022 國科會人文處管理二學門專題研究計畫發表會, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung City, Taiwan. 8.2022/12/07, 大數據與產業實務經驗分享, Department of Information Management, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, Taiwan. 9.2022/12/06, 大數據與產業實務經驗分享, Department of Statistics and Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, Taiwan., Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, Taiwan. 10.2022/11/25, TIPAA Hackathon Workshop for Big Data (Day 2), Taiwan International Pharmacy Advancement Association, Taipei City, Taiwan. 11.2021/11/24, TIPAA Hackathon Workshop for Big Data (Day 1), Taiwan International Pharmacy Advancement Association, Taipei City, Taiwan. 12.2022/11/17, 大數據概論與實務介紹 (Online, 4 Hours), Minchung Computer Education Center (民眾電腦), Chiayi City, Taiwan. 13.2022/11/16, 大數據與產業實務經驗分享 (Online), 溫州職業技術學院, 浙江省溫州市, China. 14.2022/10/13, 商業分析人才訓練藍圖, CHRMA 中華人力資源協會臉書直播. 15.2022/10/06, 大數據分析與實務探討工作坊, Nanhua University, Dalin Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan. 16.2022/09/23, 大數據分析與管理, College of Humanities and Applied Information, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science, Tainan City, Taiwan. (國科會人社中心學術研習營補助) 17.2022/09/06, 數據驅動數位轉型下的人力資源管理運用 (In-person, 6 Hours), 勞動部勞動力發展署高屏澎東分署人才資源發展中心, Gangshan Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. 18.2022/09/03, 大數據分析與管理 (In-person, 6 Hours), 社團法人中華民國南部科學園區產學協會, Tainan City, Taiwan. 19.2022/07/27, AI大數據智能新經濟 (Online, 4 Hours), Minchung Computer Education Center (民眾電腦), Chiayi City, Taiwan. 20.2022/06/25, 大數據管理 (Online, 6 Hours), Chinese Human Resource Management Association (中華人力資源管理協會), Taipei City, Taiwan. 21.2022/06/15, 大數據與產業實務經驗分享 (Online), Department of Management Information Systems, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan. 22.2022/06/11, 大數據與產業實務經驗分享, Executive Master Program of Business Administration, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan. 23.2022/06/09, 大數據與產業實務經驗分享 (Online), Department of Computer Science & Information Management, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan. 24.2022/06/06, Building a New Babel Tower: Blockchain (Online), Department of Marketing and Tourism Management, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City, Taiwan. 25.2022/05/28, 大數據分析 (Online, 6 Hours), Chinese Human Resource Management Association (中華人力資源管理協會), Taipei City, Taiwan. 26.2022/04/30, 大數據與產業實務經驗分享, Executive Master of Business Administration, College of Management, Chang Gung University, Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan. 27.2022/04/28, 大數據分析介紹 (Online), Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Hsinchu Branch, Hsinchu County, Taiwan. 28.2022/04/23, 大數據與產業實務經驗分享 (Online), Executive Master of Business Administration, College of Management, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei City, Taiwan. 29.2022/04/22, 大數據分析與管理, Department of Multimedia and Game Development, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science, Tainan City, Taiwan. (科技部人社中心學術研習營補助) 30.2022/03/24, 大數據與產業實務經驗分享, Department of Information Management, National United University, Miaoli, Taiwan. 31.2022/01/09, 大數據與我的產學應用, Department of Information Science and Management Systems, National Taitung University, Taitung, Taiwan. 32.2021/12/23, 大數據與PLS-SEM分析工具介紹, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei City, Taiwan. 33.2021/12/09, 大數據與我的產學應用, Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University, Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan. 34.2021/11/26, TIPAA Hackathon Workshop for Big Data (Day 2), Taiwan International Pharmacy Advancement Association, Taipei City, Taiwan. 35.2021/11/25, TIPAA Hackathon Workshop for Big Data (Day 1), Taiwan International Pharmacy Advancement Association, Taipei City, Taiwan. 36.2021/11/24, Big data and my experience sharing of the enterprise consulting service in Taiwan (Webinar), Hohai University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. 37.2021/11/12, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Information Management, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan. 38.2021/11/11, 大數據與我的產學應用, Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei, Taipei City, Taiwan. 39.2021/11/10, 大數據分析趨勢下的企業人才發展 (Live Stream), Chinese Human Resource Management Association. 40.2021/10/28, 大數據與我的產學應用, Department of Information Management, Aletheia University, Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan. 41.2021/10/25, 大數據與我的產學應用, Department of Information Management, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. 42.2021/10/12, 大數據與我的產學應用, Institute of Information Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. 43.2021/08,27, Interview (Topic: AI applications and human resource training), Taiwan E-Governance Research Center, National Chengchi University. 44.2021/07/02, 大數據的邏輯思考, 產業新尖兵計畫試辦計畫, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. 45.2021/07/01, 大數據管理策略與產業經驗分享, 產業新尖兵計畫試辦計畫, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. 46.2021/04/19, 大數據與我的產學應用, Metal Industries Research & Development Centre (金屬工業研究發展中心), Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. 47.2021/04/16, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Information Management, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Tainan City, Taiwan. (科技部人社中心學術研習營補助) 48.2020/12/05, Education for the enterprise future talent based on the AI developing trend, Virtual Conference, e-Learning and Work of Post-Epidemic Era: Remote, Algorithm and Robot, Department of Labor Relations, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi County, Taiwan. 49.2020/12/04 (01 pm – 03 pm), 大數據與我的產學應用, Department of Hotel Management, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. 50.2020/12/04 (10 am – 12 pm), 大數據與我的產學應用, Department of Hotel Management, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. 51.2020/12/02, 大數據分析與管理, Nanhua University, Chiayi County, Taiwan. 52.2020/11/25, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Information Management, National Central University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan. 53.2020/10/31, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, School of Business (EMBA), Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan. 54.2020/10/29, AI跨域研究與企業未來人才, AI跨域研究工作坊, Department of Management Sciences, Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan. 55.2020/10/26, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Information Management, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. 56.2020/10/15, Data Mining and Big Data (6 hours for internal training), 聯詠科技股份有限公司(Novatek Microelectronics Corp.), Hsinchu, Taiwan. 57.2020/10/12, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Minchung Computer Education Center (民眾電腦), Chiayi City, Taiwan. 58.202/09/18, Lecture for big data analysis and management (8 hours for internal training), GIGA-BYTE Technology Co., Ltd. (技嘉科技), Pingzhen District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan. 59.2020/09/17, Lecture for big data analysis and management (8 hours for internal training), GIGA-BYTE Technology Co., Ltd. (技嘉科技), Xindian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. 60.2020/09/11, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Marketing and Logistics Management, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan City, Taiwan. (科技部人社中心學術研習營補助) 61.2020/07/04, Building a New Babel Tower: Blockchain, Department of Information Management, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 62.2020/06/02, 大數據管理與產學實務分享, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 63.2020/05/18, 大數據管理與產學實務分享, College of Intelligence, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. 64.2020/04/30, Education for the enterprise future talent based on the AI developing trend, Department of Information Management, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan. 65.2020/03/23, Building a New Babel Tower: Blockchain, Department of Information Management, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 66.2020/02/12, 大數據管理與產學實務分享, 台中市省都扶輪社, Taichung, Taiwan. 67.2020/01/07, Big Data Analysis and Management, China Steel Corporation (中國鋼鐵股份有限公司), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 68.2019/12/26, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Athletic Sports, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 69.2019/12/21, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, School of Business (EMBA), Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan. 70.2019/12/19, 大數據與營運智慧分析實務, Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (臺北大眾捷運股份有限公司), Taiwan. 71.2019/12/09, Building a New Babel Tower: Blockchain, Department of Management Sciences, Tamkang University, Taiwan. 72.2019/12/05, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. 73.2019/11/15, 大數據實務分享, Minchung Computer Education Center (民眾電腦), Chiayi City, Taiwan. 74.2019/11/14, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, College of Humanities and Applied Information, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Tainan City, Taiwan. (科技部人社中心學術研習營補助) 75.2019/11/08, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Insurance and Finance, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taichung City, Taiwan. (科技部人社中心學術研習營補助) 76.2019/11/05, Future Talent Enterprises Based on AI Development Trends, ATD Asia Pacific Conference, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2 (TaiNEX 2), Taipei City. 77.2019/10/28, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Information Management, Shih Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan. 78.2019/10/24, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Business Administration, Hsing Wu University, New Taipei, Taiwan. 79.2019/09/27, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Industrial Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (科技部人社中心學術研習營補助) 80.2019/09/06, Lecture for big data analysis and management, United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) (聯華電子), Hsinchu, Taiwan. 81.2019/07/26, Lecture for big data analysis and management (2/2), Industrial Technology Research Institute (工業技術研究院), Taipei, Taiwan. 82.2019/07/25, Lecture for big data analysis and management (1/2), Industrial Technology Research Institute (工業技術研究院), Taipei, Taiwan. 83.2019/07/24, Lecture for big data analysis and management (3/3), Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC), Taiwan (臺灣中油股份有限公司), Taipei, Taiwan. 84.2019/07/18, Lecture for big data analysis and management (2/3), Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC), Taiwan (臺灣中油股份有限公司), Taipei, Taiwan. 85.2019/07/17, Lecture for big data analysis and management (1/3), Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC), Taiwan (臺灣中油股份有限公司), Taipei, Taiwan. 86.2019/06/30, Future Education for Big Data and AI, Department of Information Management, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 87.2019/06/13, Business Metrics and their Dynamics, EMBA, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. 88.2019/05/30, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, EMBA, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. 89.2019/05/26, Future Education for Big Data and AI, International Conferences on The Innovative Integration of Artificial Intelligence and University Informatization under the Background of Big Data, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. 90.2019/05/24, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Business and Trade, Zhejiang Industry Polytechnic College, Zhejiang, China. 91.2019/05/17, Pandora’s Box: Big Data + Business Metrics and their Dynamics, CSEMBA, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 92.2019/04/26, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Business Administration, Ming Chuan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 93.2019/04/19, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Institute of Information Management, Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC), Taiwan (臺灣中油股份有限公司), Taipei, Taiwan. 94.2019/04/11, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Institute of Information Management, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 95.2019/03/19, Building a New Babel Tower: Blockchain, International Master Program in Global Finance, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. (Speech in English) 96.2019/02/21, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Smart System Institute, Institute of Information Industry (財團法人資訊工業策進會), Taipei, Taiwan. 97.2019/01/19, 大數據課程, Formosa Taffeta Co., LTD. (福懋興業), Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團), Douliu City, Taiwan. 98.2019/01/11, 專案管理的人生哲學, Ching Jiang Learning Center (清江學習中心), National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 99.2019/01/02, 大數據實務分享, Minchung Computer Education Center (民眾電腦), Chiayi City, Taiwan. 100.2018/12/21, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (8/8), Nan Ya Plastics, Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團), Mailiao, Taiwan. 101.2018/12/21, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Accounting and Information Technology, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 102.2018/12/19, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (10/10), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 103.2018/12/17, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Information Management, National Central University, Taiwan. 104.2018/12/07, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (7/8), Nan Ya Plastics, Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團), Mailiao, Taiwan. 105.2018/12/05, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Business Administration, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 106.2018/11/23, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (6/8), Nan Ya Plastics, Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團), Mailiao, Taiwan. 107.2018/11/20, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (9/10), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 108.2018/11/19, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Management Sciences, Tamkang University, Taiwan. 109.2018/11/10, 專題座談與談人報告, 管理二學門專題研究計畫成果發表會, National Central University, Taiwan. 110.2018/11/09, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (5/8), Nan Ya Plastics, Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團), Mailiao, Taiwan. 111.2018/10/31, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (8/10), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 112.2018/10/29, 大數據介紹與實務分享, 嘉義市政府 / 開發工程顧問股份有限公司, Chiayi City, Taiwan. 113.2018/10/26, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (4/8), Nan Ya Plastics, Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團), Mailiao, Taiwan. 114.2018/10/25, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Information Management, National United University, Taiwan. 115.2018/10/24, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (7/10), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 116.2018/10/12, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (3/8), Nan Ya Plastics, Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團), Mailiao, Taiwan. 117.2018/09/28, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (2/8), Nan Ya Plastics, Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團), Mailiao, Taiwan. 118.2018/09/19, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Business Administration, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan. 119.2018/09/14, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (1/8), Nan Ya Plastics, Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團), Mailiao, Taiwan. 120.2018/08/31, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (6/10), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 121.2018/08/21, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (5/10), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 122.2018/06/29, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (4/10), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 123.2018/06/19, New Babel Tower: Blockchain (與醫療區塊鏈), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 124.2018/06/15, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (3/10), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 125.2018/05/26, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Information Management, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 126.2018/05/25, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (2/10), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 127.2018/05/18, Guest speech for big data analysis and management (1/10), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 128.2018/05/12, Babel Tower: Blockchain (與醫療區塊鏈), Department of Business Administration, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 129.2018/04/18, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, College of Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 130.2018/03/23, Study Group of Big Data (Fourth), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 131.2018/03/09, Study Group of Big Data (Third), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 132.2018/01/26, Study Group of Big Data (Second), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 133.2018/01/11, Study Group of Big Data (First), Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan. 134.2017/12/15, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Business Administration, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 135.2017/12/04, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Business Administration, Tunghai University, Taiwan. 136.2017/07/05, 大數據介紹與應用, Minchung Computer Education Center (民眾電腦), Chiayi City, Taiwan. 137.2017/07/04, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital (大林慈濟醫院), Taiwan. 138.2017/06/10, Achilles’ Heel of Big Data: Small Data? Department of Information Management, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 139.2017/05/17, Achilles’ Heel of Big Data: Small Data? Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan. 140.2017/03/28, 大數據介紹與應用, AGV Products Corporation (愛之味股份有限公司), Taiwan. 141.2017/03/22, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Information Management, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan. 142.2017/03/13, Pandora’s Box: Big Data, Department of Business Administration, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. 143.2015/10/22, Market reaction to big data implementation announcements, Institute of Information Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. 144.2011/04/20, A novel knowledge discovering model for mining fuzzy multi-level sequential patterns in sequence databases, Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei, Taiwan. 145.2009/12/10, A novel knowledge discovering model for mining fuzzy multi-level sequential patterns in sequence databases, Industrial Engineering and Management, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan. 146.2008/10/07, 大學升了沒?, Department of Information Management, Aletheia University, Taiwan. 147.2008/03/26, A novel knowledge discovering model for mining fuzzy multi-level sequential patterns in sequence databases (Job speech), Department of Management Information Systems, National Chiayi University, Taiwan. |
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