1. 行銷研究 2. 資料庫行銷 3. 行銷倫理
1. 行銷管理
2. 多變量分析
3. 研究方法專題研討
4. 獨立研究-行銷倫理
5. 研究方法
6. 資料庫行銷
7. 行銷理論
2. 多變量分析
3. 研究方法專題研討
4. 獨立研究-行銷倫理
5. 研究方法
6. 資料庫行銷
7. 行銷理論
項目 |
美國密西西比大學行銷學博士 |
項目 |
1. Hsiu-Hua Chang, Scott J. Vitell and Long-Chuan Lu (2019), “Consumers’ Perceptions regarding Questionable Consumption Practices in China: The Impacts of Personality,” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31(3), 592-608. (新收錄於SSCI) Q4 |
2. Hsiu-Hua Chang & Long-Chuan Lu (2019), “Actively Persuading Consumers to Enact Ethical Behaviors in Retailing: The Influence of Relational Benefits and Corporate Associates," Journal of Business Ethics, 156(2), 399–416. (SSCI) Q1 (2020管院研究獎勵) |
3. Huang, Chun-Chen & Long-Chuan Lu (2017), “Examining the Roles of Collectivism, Attitude Toward Business, and Religious Beliefs on Consumer Ethics in China,” Journal of Business Ethics, 146(3), 505-514. (SSCI) Q1 |
4. Lu, Long-Chuan, Chen-yu Wang, S. C. Chuang & Annie P. Yu (2017), “The Impacts of Corporate Green Marketing on Consumer Purchase Intention: The Intervening Role of Moral Intensity,” Journal of Nanya, 37(Dec.), 197-215. |
5. Li, Li-Yuan, Long Chuan Lu and Hung-Yu Chang (2018), “Fever in Hospitalized Patients with Incident End-Stage Renal Disease,” Journal of the Acta Nephrologica, 32(1), March. (available on-line at http://www.tsn.org.tw) |
6. Lu, Long-Chuan & Chen-Ying Yen (2015), “Research for Marketing Strategy and Sustainable Development--Examples of Taiwan Travel Agencies,” NCYU Physical Education, Health & Recreation Journal, 14(2), 38 – 53. |
7. Lu, Long-Chuan, Hsiu-Hua Chang and Alan Chang (2015), “Consumer Personality and Green Buying Intention: The Mediate Role of Consumer Ethical Beliefs,” Journal of Business Ethics, 127(1), 205-219. (SSCI) |
8. Long-Chuan Lu & Tsai-Feng Liu (2015), “Applying the Theory of Planed Behavior to the Driving Forces of Travel Intention: An Example of Sukura Festival in Mountain Ali,” Journal of Tourism and Leisure Management, 3(1), 41-60. |
9. Lu, Long-Chuan, Ya-Wen Huang & Hsiu-Hua Chang (2014), “Confucian Dynamism, the Role of Money and Consumer Ethical Beliefs: An Exploratory Study in Taiwan”, Ethics & Behavior, 24 (1), 34-52. (SSCI) |
10. Chen, Chien-Shing & Long-Chuan Lu (2014), “Effect of Brand Image and Celebrity Endorser and Product Attribute on Purchasing Intent of Trendy Clothing,” Journal of Oriental Institute of Technology, Dec., 127-134. |
11. Chao, Hui-Fen, Long-Chuan Lu & Hsiu-Hua Chang (2014), “The Preliminary Study of Broker Training Courses in Cultural and Creative Industry,” Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(1), 1-8. |
12. Tai-An Lin & Lu, Long-Chuan (2014), “Elucidating the relationship between moral philosophy and consumer ethical beliefs: A case study of Argentine consumers,” Advance in Management. |
13. Lu, Long-Chuan, Pin-Lan Chen & Tsai Feng Liu (2013), “Empirical Factors of Cross-Cultural Students’ Aberrant Behavior in E-Consumer Ethics,” Asia Pacific Management Review, 18(4), 427-441. (TSSCI) |
14. Lu, Long-Chuan (2013), “The Effects of Consumer Ethics and Anticipated Guilt on Ethical Intention”, Journal of Environment and Management, 13(2), 37-52. (NSC100-2410-H-194-008) |
15. Chang, Hung-Yu, Pei-Hsien Lee, Chen-Chou Lei, Chun-Wu Tung, Yung-Chien Hsu, Tung-Jung Huang, Long-Chuan Lu, Chun-Liang Lin (2013), “Hyperuricemia Is an Independent Risk Factor for New Onset Micro-Albuminuria in a Middle-Aged and Elderly Population: A Prospective Cohort Study in Taiwan,” Plos One, 8(4), e61450. (SCI,Impact factor=3.730貢獻同通訊作者) |
16. Lu, Long-Chuan, Hsiu-Hua Chang & Shih-Ting Yu (2013), “Online Shoppers’ Perceptions of E-Retailers’ Ethics, Cultural Orientation, and Loyalty: An Exploratory Study in Taiwan,” Internet Research, 23(1), 47-68. (SSCI) |
17. Huang, Chun-Chen, Long-Chuan Lu, Ching-Sing You, & Szu-Wei Yen, (2012), “The Impacts of Ethical Ideology, Materialism, and Selected Demographics on Consumer Ethics: An Empirical Study in China,” Ethics & Behavior, 22(4), 315-331. (SSCI) |
18. 張秀樺,盧龍泉(2012),「價值共創調節效果之實證研究:以我國文化創意產業為例」,人文暨社會科學期刊,第8卷第1期,47-58頁。 |
19. 盧龍泉,林凌華,林泰安(2011),「老人安養之道德決策」,中山管理評論。(TSSCI) |
20. Wei-Lung Chang, Long-Chuan Lu, Hung-Jen Su, Tai An Lin, and Kuang-Yu Chang (2011), “Mediating Effect of Role Stressors Between Market Orientation and Organizational Commitment,” Social Behavior and Personality. (SSCI) |
21. Chang, W.L., Lu, L.C., Su, H.J., Lin, T.A., & Chang, K.Y. (2011), “Mediating Effect of Buying Motives between Physical Vanity and Online Compulsive Buying,” African Journal of Business Management, 5(8), 3289-3296. |
22. Chang, W.L., Lu, L.C., Su, H.J., Lin, T.A., & Chang, K.Y. (2011), “The Relationship among Consumer Vanity Trait, Materialism and Fashion Anxiety,” African Journal of Business Management, 5(9), 3466-3471. |
23. Hung-Jen Su, Long-Chuan Lu, & Tai An Lin (2011), “The Mediating Role of Anticipated Guilt in Consumers’ Textbook Piracy Intention”, The Asia Pacific Management Review. (TSSCI) |
24. 盧龍泉,朱家宏,張秀樺(2010),「虛擬與實際:消費者倫理信念之探討」,環境與管理研究。 |
25. Lu, Long-Chuan & Chia-Ju Lu (2010), “Moral Philosophy, Materialism, and Consumer Ethics: An Exploratory Study in Indonesia,” Journal of Business Ethics, 94(2), 193-210. (SSCI) |
26. Yu, Tai-Kuei, Long-Chuan Lu, & Tsai-Feng Liu (2010), “Exploring Factors That Influence Knowledge Sharing Behavior via Weblogs,” Computers in Human Behavior, 26(1),32-41. (SSCI) |
27. Chang, Hung-Yu, Chun-Wu Tung, Pei-Hsien Lee, Chen-Chou Lei, Hsun-Hao Chang, Hsueh-Fang Yang, Long-Chuan Lu, Ming-Chung Jong, Chiu-Yueh Chen, Kuei-Ying Fang, Yu-Shiu Chao, Ya-Hsueh Shih, & Chun-Liang Lin (2010), “Hyperuricemia as an Independent Risk Factor of Chronic Kidney Disease in Middle-Aged and Elderly Population,” The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 339(6), 509-515. (SCI,impact factor 1.36) |
28. 張秀樺,盧龍泉(2010),「學齡兒童課後托育之產品開發決策:運用聯合分析法之實證研究」,服務業管理評論,8,71-99頁。 |
29. 洪大翔,盧龍泉,何雍慶,(2010),「高等教育學生選校決策模式建構之實證研究」,教育政策論壇,13(1),1-43頁。(TSSCI) |
30. Chang, Wei-Lung, Long-Chuan Lu, Hung-Jen Su, Tai-An Lin and Kuang-Yu Chang (2010), “The Influence of Consumer Self-Concept, Vanity Trait on Materialism among Taiwanese College Female Students,” International Journal of Business and Strategy, 11(1), 67-91. |
31. Chang, Wei-Lung, Long-Chuan Lu, Hung-Jen Su, Tai-An Lin and Kuang-Yu Chang (2010), “Money Attitude, Materialism and Compulsive Buying Intentions,” Journal of Global Small and Medium Enterprise, July. |
32. 張威龍,盧龍泉,蘇宏仁,林泰安,張光宇(2010),「金錢態度、虛榮特性與衝動性購買關係之研究」,全球管理與經濟期刊,第六卷,第一期,1-24頁。 |
33. Pei-Hsien Lee, Yung-Chien Hsu, Chun-Wu Tung, Hsun-Hao Chang, Ming-Chung Jong, Chiu-Yueh Chen, Kuei-Ying Fang, Yu-Shiu Chao, Ya-Hsueh Shih, & Chun-Liang Lin (2009), “Regional Variations in the Middle-Aged and Elderly Population With Late-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease: A Community-Based Population Survey in Chiayi County, Taiwan,” Acta Nephrological, 23(2), 103-109. |
34. 洪大翔,盧龍泉,何雍慶,(2009),「高等教育選校行為模式建構之探討」,管理實務與理論研究,3卷第一期,116-135頁。 |
35. Lee, Pei-Hsien, Hung-Yu Chang, Chun-Wu Tung, Yung-Chien Hsu, Chen-Chou Lei, Hsun-Hao Chang, Hsueh-Fang Yang, Long-Chuan Lu, Ming-Chung Jong, Chiu-Yueh Chen, Kuei-Ying Fang, Yu-Shiu Chao, Ya-Hsueh Shih, & Chun-Liang Lin (2009), “Hypertriglyceridemia: An Independent Risk Factor of Chronic Kidney Disease in Taiwanese Adults,” The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 338(3), 185-189. (SCI,impact factor 1.36) |
36. Lei, Chen-Chou, Hsueh-Fang Yang, Long-Chuan Lu, Hung-Yu Chang, Pei-Hsien Lee, Yung-Chien Hsu, Chun-Wu Tung, Hsun-Hao Chang, Ming-Chung Jong, Chiu-Yueh Chen, Kuei-Ying Fang, Yu-Shiu Chao, Ya-Hsueh Shih, & Chun-Liang Lin (2009), “Regional Variations in the Middle-Aged and Elderly Population With Late-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease: A Community-Based Population Survey in Chiayi County, Taiwan,” Acta Nephrological, 23(2), 103-109. |
37. 何雍慶,盧龍泉,呂佳茹,涂嘉峪,(2007),「以房屋仲介業加盟總部觀點探究連鎖加盟關係—代理理論與交換理論之整合模式」,長庚科技學刊,7,101-122頁。 |
38. Blodgett, F. G., Long-Chuan Lu, G. M. Rose, and Scott J. Vitell (2001), ” Ethical Sensitivity to Stakeholder Interests: A Cross-Cultural Comparison,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29(2), 190-202. (SSCI) |
39. Long-Chuan Lu (2001), “Industrial Product Deletion Decision: An Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Marketing,” Journal of Environment and Management, 2(Dec), 51-72. |
40. Lu, Long-Chuan, Gregory M. Rose, and Jeffrey G. Blodgett (1999), “The Effects of Cultural Dimensions on Ethical Decision Making in Marketing: An Exploratory Study,” Journal of Business Ethics, 18, 91-105. (SSCI) |
41. Aiken, Milam, Daeryong Kim, Chi Hwang, and Long-Chuan Lu (1995), "A Korean Group Decision Support System," Information and Management, 28(5), 303-310. (SSCI). |
項目 |
1. Lu, Long-Chuan (2020), “Bamboo Industry in the New Consumption Trend after the Covid-19 Pandemic,” Presented in 2020 India-Taiwan/Global Bamboo-Tech Forum, Theme: Bamboo: a potential resource for the uplifting rural economy in post-COVID pandemic, Webinar on July 10. (Dr. Lu also served as the Taiwan chair of this webinar) |
2. Kuo, Tzu-Chiao, Taian Lin, George Shen & Long-Chuan Lu (2020), “An Empirical Study on Consumer Intention for Responsible Tourism,” Presented in 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Feb. 14-16, San Diego, CA, USA. |
3. Su, Jou An & Long Chuan Lu (2019), “A Study on Driving Forces of Online Deshopping Proclivity,” The proceedings of International Conference on Innovation and Management, July 9-12, Hiroshima, Japan. |
4. Lu, Long-Chuan & Yan-Jun Huang (2018), “The Impacts of Religiosity and Moral Disapproval on Collegiate Students’ Deshopping Proclivity in Taiwan,” The Proceedings of Clute International Academic Conference on Business, August 5~9, San Francisco, CA, USA. |
5. Lu, Long-Chuan, Yan-Jun Huang, Wei-Ti Lin, Yi-Ting Huang & Hsiu-Hua Chang (2018), “Exploring the Impacts of Micro-Celebrity’s Self-Disclosure and Credibility on Consumer Purchase Intention,” June 1-2, Special Issue and Conference for New Era Marketing under IoT, Taiwan Marketing Research Academy, National Quemoy University, Quemoy. |
6. Lu, Long-Chuan & Ching-Tzu Tsai (2018), “The Effect of Virtual Community Codependency on Virtual Community Addiction: Exploring the Mediation Effects,” The Proceedings of 2018 Global Marketing Conference, July 26-29, Tokyo, Japan. |
7. Lu, Long-Chuan, Chih-Min Yu, Wei-Ti Lin, Hsiu-Hua Chang & Yan-Jun Huang (2017), “Online Impulse Buying Impacted by Watching Game Streaming: League of Legends,” The 6th International Academic Conference of ACG Culture with the Bahamut Best Paper Awards, Dec. 2, Chinese Culture University, Taipei. |
8. Chang, Hsiu-Hua and Long-Chuan Lu (2016), “Scale Development of Consumer Ethically Questionable Behaviors in Retailing,” The Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Business Strategy in the Age of Disruption (BizStrategy 2016), August 22, p31-37, Singapore. |
9. Chang, Hsiu-Hua, Scott J. Vitell & Long-Chuan Lu (2015), “Consumer Ethics in Taiwan: The Impacts of Relationship Proneness, Religiosity, and Business Attitude,” The Proceedings of SIBR-RDINRRU 2015 (Osaka) Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, 2nd-3rd July 2015, Osaka, Japan. (corresponding author) |
10. Lu, Long-Chuan, Wen-Yu Huang, Oyun-Erdene Ravdandash, Kuo-Che Lin & Kai-Han Yang (2014), “The Effects of the Role of Money and Individualism on Consumer Ethics: An Exploratory Study in Mongolia,” 2014 Tourism, Leisure and Contemporary Management Trend Conference, May 9, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung. |
11. Lu, Long-Chuan, Fuyi Wen, Yiting Wang, Wen-Yu Huang &Chen-Ying Yen (2014), “Using Data Mining in Customer Relationship Management: A Case of Jewelry Brand,” the 11th Academic Conference for Service Industry Management and Innovation, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan. |
12. Lu, Long-Chuan, Yan-Jun Huang, Ming-Long Liu, Fuyi Wen & I-Chun Hsieh (2014), “Adolescent Personality Traits and E-Consumer Ethics: The Role of Personality,” the 11th Academic Conference for Service Industry Management and Innovation, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan. |
13. Lu, Long-Chuan, Kuo-Che Lin, Yi-Xin Chen, Kai-Han Yang & Yan-Jun Huang (2014), “Using Data Mining Techniques in Customer Loyalty Program: A Case of Credit Card Company,” the 6th Academic Conference for Management and Decision Making, May 2, Nanhua University, Chia-Yi. |
14. Lu, Long-Chuan, Kuo-Che Lin, Ping-Han Lee, I-Chun Hsieh & Wen-Yu Huang (2014), “Data Mining: the Differences of Credit Card Usage between Students and Non-Students,” the 6th Academic Conference for Management and Decision Making, May 2, Nanhua University, Chia-Yi. |
15. Lu, Long-Chuan, I-Chun Hsieh, Cheng-Fu Su, Kuo-Che Lin & Ni-Chun Yao (2014), “Database Marketing: Customer Valuation in Organizational Buyer,” the 11th Academic Conference for Service Industry Management and Innovation, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan. |
16. Lu, Long-Chuan, Kai-Han Yang, Chia-hsuan Chang, Yan-Jun Huang & Kuo-Che Lin (2014), “An Empirical Study on the Effect of Endorser, the Gender of Endorser and Product Category on Advertisement,” the 6th Academic Conference for Management and Decision Making, May 2, Nanhua University, Chia-Yi. |
17. Lu, Long-Chuan, Chi-Hua Hu & Hsiu-Hua Chang (2013), “The Relationships between Product-Brand Fit and Regulatory Focus in Brand Extension: the Customers’ Perspectives,” The Proceedings of the 6th International Academic Conference for Excellent Management, May 17, P.480-487, Hsiuping University of Science and Technology, Tai-Chung. |
18. Chuang, S. C., Long-Chuan Lu & Molly Chien-jung Huang (2012), “Environmental Friendly Tourism: A Study on National Recreation Area,” The Proceedings of the 14th Conference for Leisure, Recreation and Tourism, Oct. 5, 1-18, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien. |
19. Lu, Long-Chuan & Chen-Yu Wang (2012), “The Impacts of Green Marketing on Purchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Moral Intensity,” The Proceedings of the 4th Conference for Management Innovation and Marketing Project, June 15, 644-653, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung. |
20. Chang, Hsiu-Hua & Long-Chuan Lu (2012), “The Moderating Effect of Confucian Dynamism,” The Proceedings of the 5th Marketing and Logistics Conference for Mid-Taiwan Colleges of Technology, May 16, 221-230, Hsiuping University of Science and Technology, Tai-Chung. |
21. Lu, Long-Chuan, Hsiu-Hua Chang & Kuei-Hui Chang (2011), “Online Retailers’ Marketing Ethics in China: The Consumer Perspectives,” The Proceedings of the Conference for Improving Teachers’ Project and Research Capability, Nov. 2, 154-164, Hsiuping University of Science and Technology, Tai-Chung. |
22. Lu, Long-Chuan, Hsiu-Hua Chang & Shih-Ting Yu (2011), “The Role of Individualism and Collectivism in Consumer Perceptions toward e-Retailers’ Ethics,” The Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, November 26~27, Shenzhen, China. (IEEE Index, EI Compendex) |
23. Lu, Long-Chuan, Ya-Wen Huang & Hsiu-Hua Chang (2011), “Consumer Ethical Beliefs in Taiwan: The Role of Confucian Dynamism,” The Proceedings of the International Conference on Organizational Innovation, July 27~28, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
24. Lu, Long-Chuan, Hsiu-Hua Chang & Shih-Ting Yu (2011), "Consumers' Perceptions Regarding the Ethics of Online Retailers: The Role of Cultural Orientation and Consumer Loyalty," The Proceedings of 6th Conference on Distribution and Global Logistics, May 6, Taichung, Taiwan. |
25. Lu, Long-Chuan, Zi-Hwaw Chang & Hsiu-Hua Chang (2011), “Consumer Ethics: the Roles of Individualism, Attitude toward Business and Loyalty Proneness in Green Product Buying Intention,” The Proceedings of 2011 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making, May 21, Taipei, Taiwan. |
26. Lu, Long-Chuan, Hsiu-Hua Chang & Ya-Wen Huang (2010), “The Effects of the Personal and Cultural Characteristics on Consumer Ethics,” New Paradigms of Management - The 9th Annual Academic Conference, November 5, Taipei, Taiwan. |
27. Lu, Long-Chuan & Tai An Lin (2010), "Developing a Marketing Measure for Energy Saving Solutions," The Proceedings of BAI 2010 International Conference on Business and Information, July 5-7, Kitakyushu, Japan. |
28. Lu, Long-Chuan, Chia-Hung Chu, Yu-hsin Hsieh, Fu-Yuan Chiu & Hsiu-Hua Chang (2009), “The Differences between Consumer Ethics and e-Consumer Ethics,” The Proceedings of the Internationa Conference for Innovation and Management (ICIM2009), Dec. 11, 708-724, Shih Chien University, Taipei. |
29. Lu, Long-Chuan, Hung-Jen Su & Tai An Lin (2009), “The Study of the Relationship between Moral Philosophy and Consumer Ethical Beliefs: A Case Study of Argentinean Consumers”, The Proceedings of 2009 Hawaii International Conference on Social Science, 4-7 June, Hawaii, USA. |
30. Su, Hung-Jen, Long-Chuan Lu & Tai An Lin (2009), “Factors Influencing Ethically Questionable Behavior: A Case of Textbook Pirating by Taiwanese College Students”, The Proceedings of 2009 Hawaii International Conference on Social Science, 4-7 June, Hawaii, USA. |
31. Hung, Ta-Hsiang, Yung-Ching Ho & Long-Chuan Lu (2008), “Preliminary Research Model of Market-Driven Product Strategy for Taiwan Top Global Brands”, The Proceedings of 2008 International Joint Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and e-Education (e-CASE), 27-29 March, Bangkok, Thailand. |
32. Lu, Long-Chuan & Chia-Ju Lu (2007), “The Exploration of Consumers’ Ethical Judgments in Indonesia,” The Proceedings of 2007 Academy of Marketing Conference, July 3-6, Surrey, UK. |
33. Lu, Long-Chuan, Ming-Rui Tsai, Yi-Xin Chen & Ching-Tzu Tsai (2005), ”Developing a Software Acceptance Scale,” The Proceedings of the 2nd Taiwan Marketing Science Academy Conference, Dec. 10, p.105-115, Taiwan University, Taiwan. |
34. Ho, Yung-Ching, Long-Chuan Lu, Chia-Ju Lu, Chien-Hsin Chen, & Ching-Tzu Tsai (2005), “A Dynamic Perspective toward Franchising Modeling,” The Proceedings of 2005 Chinese Business and Logistics Conference, Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. |
35. Lu, Long-Chuan, Chien-Hsin Chen, Chia-Ju Lu & Ming-Rui Tsai (2006), “Parental Intervention in the Credit Card Usage of Collegiate Students,” The Proceedings of the 7th Conference for Small and Medium Size Enterprises, May 26, 734-747, Naitonal Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi. |
36. Lu, Long-Chuan, Si-Ping Guo & Ming-Rui Tsai (2005), “The Relationships among Employee Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Organization Profit in Taiwan Banking Industry,” Taiwan Marketing Conference, Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan. |
37. Lu, Long-Chuan, Bing-Han Li, Ting-Hao Chang & Yi-Xin Chen (2005), “Regain Ex-Customers with Data Mining Technology,” Taiwan Marketing Conference, Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan. |
38. Lu, Long-Chuan, Shou-Nan Lin & Ching-Tzu Tsai (2005), “The Usage of Outpatient Timetable and Marketing Effects: A Case of District Teaching Hospital in Chiayi,” The Proceedings of the 3rd Contemporary Marketing Conference, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan. |
39. Lu, Long-Chuan, Ching-Tzu Tsai & Wen-Han Liao (2005), “The Impacts of Promotional Preference, Searching Inclination, and Brand Loyalty on Cigarette Repeat Purchase,” The Proceedings of the 3rd Contemporary Marketing Conference, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan. |
40. Lu, Long-Chuan, Ching-Tzu Tsai & Shou-Nan Lin (2005), “An Exploratory Study on Cigarette Demand and Price Elasticity,” The Proceedings of the 3rd Contemporary Marketing Conference, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan. |
41. Hung-Jen Su, Long-Chuan Lu & Jai-Fu Lin (2005), “A Study on Online Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: A Case of Travel Website,” The Proceedings of the 3rd Contemporary Marketing Conference, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan. |
42. Lu, Long-Chuan, Ching-Tzu Tsai & Hung-Jen Su (2004), “An Empirical Investigation in the Behavioral Intention of Laser Medical Care,” The Proceedings of the 2nd Service Marketing and Management Conference, National Chia-Yi University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan. |
43. Lu, Long-Chuan & Ching-Tzu Tsai (2004), “An Application of Structural Equation Modeling on Medical Service Marketing,” The Proceedings of the 2nd Taiwan Intelligent Technology and Application Conference, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan. |
44. Liu, Chang-Zhen & Long-Chuan Lu (2004), “The Impacts of Brand Perception, Service Quality and Promotional Activities on Purchasing Behavior: A Case of Gasoline Station,” Taiwan Business and Information Management Conference, National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan. |
45. Lu, Long-Chuan, Long Hui & Tsai-Feng Liu(2003), “An Empirical Investigation on Virtual Society Work Culture and Marketing Ethical Decision Making,” The Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Management, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan. |
46. Lu, Long-Chuan & Chang-Zhen Lui (2003), “Gasoline Marketing Strategy: The Case of Formosa,” The Proceedings of the 8th Taiwan Enterprise Case Conference, Nantai University of Science and Technology, Tainai, Taiwan. |
47. Wang, Rui-Lin, Pei-Xun Wu & Long-Chuan Lu (2003), “An Empirical Study of the Channel Satisfaction Model with Business to Business Marketing for Supermarkets: An Asian Channel Modernization Perspective, The Proceedings of the 2nd Service Marketing and Management Conference, National Chiayi University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan. |
48. Lu, Long-Chuan, Tian-Xing Dong & Tian-Lin Sun (2003), “Innovative Marketing and Social Responsibility: The Case of UCH Card,” The Proceedings of 2003 Industry and Innovation Conference, Hsiuping University of Science and Technology, Taichung, Taiwan. |
49. Lu, Long-Chuan, Jiezhi Zheng & Huangzhe Weng (2002), “An Application of Database Marketing in Customer Profitability and Resource Allocation,” The 4th Academic and Practice Conference, Shih Chien University, Taipei. |
50. Lu, Long-Chuan, Yung-Ching Ho & Chang-Sung Yu (2002), “Does Job Position Matter? A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Marketing Ethics in the Life Insurance Industry”, The Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on Business, June 18-22, Hawaii, USA. |
51. Huang, Meiqing, Wei-Ti Lin & Long-Chuan Lu (2000), “The Development of Leisure Farm Industry in Chia-Yi County: A Case of B&B,” The Proceedings of the 4th Conference for Small and Medium Size Enterprises, 182-196, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi. |
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1.盧龍泉 (2020),「活用數據開發新市場-從季節性乳源打造友善循環機制」,顧問,109.09.01~110.08.31,NT$13,400,000,經濟部產業升級創新平台輔導計畫。 2.盧龍泉 (2020),「桌遊設計與開發-以遊戲式學習法翻轉企業倫理課程之學習成效」,01959-01,計畫主持人,109.08.01~110.07.31,NT$218,000,教育部大專校院教學實踐研究計畫。 3.盧龍泉 (2020),「109年度大學社會責任實踐計畫—C類深耕型: 竹光發熱黑金計畫-諸羅竹葉展風華」,協同主持人,109-00875-01,109.2.1~ 109.12.31,NT$8,000,000,教育部。 4.盧龍泉 (2020), “The impacts of moral norm and anticipated moral emotion on food waste intention (2/2),” 108-2410-H-194-098-MY2,計畫主持人,109.8.1~ 110.7.31,NT$932,000,科技部。 5.盧龍泉 (2019), “The impacts of moral norm and anticipated moral emotion on food waste intention (1/2),” 108-2410-H-194-098-MY2,計畫主持人,108.8.1~ 109.7.31,NT$970,000,科技部。 6.盧龍泉 (2019), “Substituting woods with bamboos: The development and promotion of critical biological antiseptic and pest control technique on bamboo floors,” 108-2745-8-194-001,計畫主持人,108.6.1~ 109.5.31,NT$1,135,000,科技部(產學合作計畫)。 7.盧龍泉 (2019),「108年度大學社會責任實踐計畫—C類深耕型: 竹光發熱黑金計畫-諸羅竹葉展風華」,協同主持人,108-01085-01,108.1.1~ 108.12.31,NT$5,000,000,教育部。 8.盧龍泉 (2019),「高等教育深耕計畫子計畫3-1培育弱勢學生」,共同主持人,108-01414-01,108.1.1~108.12.31,教育部。 9.盧龍泉 (2018),「高等教育深耕計畫子計畫3-1培育弱勢學生」,共同主持人,107-01064-01,107.1.1~107.12.31,教育部。 10.盧龍泉 (2018),「竹光發熱黑金計畫-諸羅竹葉展風華」,協同主持人,107年度教育部補助大學在地實踐社會責任計畫,00166-107-C02-03,107.4.1~ 107.12.31,NT$5,000,000,教育部。 11.Lu, Long-Chuan (2018), Applying an Ethical Contingency Model in the Recycling Behaviors of Electronic Waste: A Cross-Cultural Comparison (2/2). Project No. MOST106-2410-H-194-013-MY2, Project Director, 2018.8.1~2019. 7.31, Funding NT$691,000, Sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology. 12.Lu, Long-Chuan (2017), Applying an Ethical Contingency Model in the Recycling Behaviors of Electronic Waste: A Cross-Cultural Comparison (1/2). Project No. MOST106-2410-H-194-013-MY2, Project Director, 2017.8.1~2018. 7.31, Funding NT$674,000, Sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology. 13.Lu, Long-Chuan (2017), An Investigation of Customers’ Satisfaction toward Park Bus in Alishan National Scenic Area. Project No. 105-01872-01, Project Director, 105.9.1~106.8.31, Funding NT$300,000, Sponsored by Jia Cheng Transportation Company, Ltd. 14.Lu, Long-Chuan (2015), The Impacts of Religiosity, Loyalty Proneness, and Attitude toward Business on Consumer Ethical Beliefs: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Project No. MOST103-2410-H-194 -061, Project Director, 2014.8.1~ 2015.7.31, Funding NT$546,000, Sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology. 15.Lu, Long-Chuan (2012), 2012 Annual Research Study on Customer Satisfaction. Project No. 101-01611-01, Project Director, 2012.7.1~2012.12.31, Funding NT$300,000, Sponsored by Automotive Research & Testing Center. 16.Lu, Long-Chuan (2012), The Role of Anticipated Guilt, Loyalty Proneness and Affective Commitment in Consumers’ Ethical Decision Making. Project No. NSC100- 2410- H-194-008, Project Director, 2011.8.1~2012.7.31, Funding NT$350,000, Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. 17.Lu, Long-Chuan (2011), 2011 Annual Research Study on Customer Satisfaction. Project No. 100-01554-01, Project Director, 2011.7.1~2011.12.31, Funding NT$280,000, Sponsored by Automotive Research & Testing Center. 18.Lu, Long-Chuan (2011), The Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer Ethical Beliefs: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Project No. NSC99-2410-H-194-076, Project Director, 2010.8.1~2011.7.31, Funding NT$491,000, Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. 19.Lu, Long-Chuan (2010), 2010 Annual Research Study on Customer Satisfaction. Project No. 099-01546-01, Project Director, 2010.7.1~2010.12.31, Funding NT$280,000, Sponsored by Automotive Research & Testing Center. 20.Lu, Long-Chuan (2009), 2009 Annual Research Study on Customer Satisfaction. Project No. 098-00871-01, Project Director, 2009.7.1~2009.12.31, Funding NT$225,000, Sponsored by Automotive Research & Testing Center. 21.Lu, Long-Chuan (2007), The Impacts of Drug Manufacturers’ Promotion Activities, Ethical Propensity, and Habits on Prescription Behavior of Doctors. Project No. NSC 95-2416-H-194-018, Project Director, 2006.08.01~ 2007.07.31, Funding NT$613,000, Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. 22.Lu, Long-Chuan (2006), E-Consumer Ethic: A Cross-Cultural Research on Online Shoppers’ Ethical Beliefs. Project No. NSC 94-2416-H-194-012, Project Director, 2005.08.01~2006.07.31, Funding NT$640,000, Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. 23.Lu, Long-Chuan (2005), The Impact of Personal Cultural Values and Work Ethical Climate on Software Piracy Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study. Project No. NSC 93- 2416-H-194 -001, Project Director, 93.08.01~94.07.31, Funding NT$634,800, Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. 24.Lu, Long-Chuan (2004), High School Students’ Smoking Behavior in Chiayi County. Project No. 093-01169-01, Project Director, 93.09.10~93.11.20, Funding NT$97,753, Chiayi County Healty Bureau. 25.Lu, Long-Chuan (2004), Students’ Satisfaction of Tutorial system at National Chung Cheng University. Project Director, 93.08.04~93.11.30, Sponsored by National Chung Cheng University. 26.Lu, Long-Chuan (2004), An Investigation on People’s Health Promotion Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior. Project Director, 93.03.30~93.09.30, Funding NT$260,000, Sponsored by Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 27.Lu, Long-Chuan (2004), Smokers’ Behavior Research in Taiwan. Project No. BHP-92-Anti-Tobacco-2E01, Project Director, 92.10.09~93.10.08, Funding NT$1,787,000, Sponsored by Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 28.Lu, Long-Chuan (2004), Using IT Acceptance Model, TPB and Software Usage Ethics Predict Software Piracy Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Investigation. Project No. NSC 92-2416-H -194 -005, Project Director, 92.08.01~93.07.31, Funding NT$650,000, Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. 29.Lu, Long-Chuan (2003), Toward a Model of Software Piracy: The Impact of Culture on Software Piracy Intention. Project No. NSC 91-2416-H -194-011, Project Director, 91.08.01~92.07.31, Funding NT$750,000, Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. 30.Lu, Long-Chuan (2002), The Impacts of Individualism on Sales Managers’ Ethical Decision Making: A Cross-Cultural Study between Taiwan and the US. Project No. NSC-90-2416-H-194-027, Project Director, 90.08.01~91.07.31, Funding NT$640,000, Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. 31.Lu, Long-Chuan (2001), Examining the Differences of Ethical Standards of Insurance Salesmen: A Cross-Cultural Study. Project No. NSC-89-2416-H- 194-074, Project Director, 89.08.01~90.07.31, Funding NT$310,000, Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. 32.Lu, Long-Chuan (2000), How Does Culture Impact on Marketing Sensitivity? A Cross-Cultural Study. Project No. NSC-89-2416-H-194-033, Project Director, 88.08.01~89.07.31, Funding NT$280,000, Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. |
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研究獎勵 1.2019 Research Award, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University. 2.2018 Research Award, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University. 3.2016 Research Award, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University. 4.2015 Research Award, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University. 5.2014 Research Award, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University. 6.2013 Research Award, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University. 7.2012 Research Award, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University. 8.2011 Research Award, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University. 9.2011 Delta Electronic Corp. Environment and Ethics Research Award 10.2001 Research Award, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University. 11.2000 National Science Council Class A Research Award, Taiwan. 12.1998 National Science Council Class A Research Award, Taiwan. 13.1997 National Science Council Class A Research Award, Taiwan. Other Academic Honors 1.榮獲中華民國管理科學學會「第六屆企業倫理教育紮根計劃」獲獎教師,獎金壹拾萬元整,民國九十九年九月。 2.榮獲中華民國管理科學學會「第三屆企業倫理教育紮根計劃」獲獎教師,獎金壹拾萬元整,民國九十五年九月。 3.榮獲中華民國管理科學學會「第一屆企業倫理教育紮根計劃-企業倫理教師選拔活動」「生動個案獎」,獎金三萬元整,民國九十五年二月。 4.榮獲中華民國管理科學學會「第二屆企業倫理教育紮根計劃」獲獎教師,獎金壹拾萬元整,民國九十四年九月。 5.榮獲中華民國管理科學學會「第一屆企業倫理教育紮根計劃」獲獎教師,獎金壹拾萬元整,民國九十三年九月。 |
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德運五金 辰穎 璞園藝術坊 輝裕工業 宏銘油脂 |
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校級委員 1.106~年度業務委外專案小組委員 2.106~學年度民生服務委員會委員 3.106~學年度交通安全教育委員會委員 4.106~108學年度學生申訴評議委員會委員防治校園霸凌因應小組委員 校外服務 1.辰頴股份有限公司行銷顧問(109.9.1~110.8.31) 2.逢甲大學商學院企管系系務諮詢顧問(109.08.01~111.7.31) 3.105~迄今行銷評論(Marketing Review)編輯委員 4.2020富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎決審委員 5.Taiwan Chair, 2020 India-Taiwan/Global Bamboo-Tech Forum (Webinar), 10 July. 6.指導學生參加財團法人台灣商務策畫協會(TBSA)舉辦之2020年「TBSA全國大專創新企畫競賽」榮獲特優成績。 7.國立嘉義大學管理學院108學年度碩士學位論文舞弊檢舉案審定委員會委員 8.國立嘉義大學企管系109年度品質保證認可內部評鑑訪評委員(109.1.1~109.12.31) 9.108、109年度教育部教學實踐研究計畫審查委員 10.國立嘉義大學企管系108學年度教師評鑑委員會委員(108.8.1~109.7.31) 11.108年12月8~16日國際合作基金會特聘專家(代表台灣出訪印度視察竹產業) |
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1. 國立中正大學學務處學務長(113.2.1~迄今) 2. 國立中正大學USR辦公室執行長(113.2.1~迄今) 3. 國立中正大學行銷策略與創意研究中心主任(99.8.1~迄今) 4. 國立中正大學學務處副學務長(106.8.1~113.1.31) 5. 國立中正大學學務處生活事務組組長(106.3.3~113.1.31) 6. 國立中正大學學務課外活動組代理組長(110.8.1~111.3.30) 7. 國立中正大學學務課外活動組代理組長(108.1.1~108.8.15) 8. 國立中正大學學務課外活動組組長(92.2.12~94.7.31) |